Part 3

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It's afternoon, stacey is putting her bins out and knocks next door, lou answers and stacey says, do you live here
Lou - yes
Stacey - this was my old stalkers flat
Lou - where is he now
Stacey - in prison
Lou - oh god, well, now you have a new neighbour
Stacey - don't cause trouble, lou
Lou - oh, I won't
Meanwhile, stacey is doing housework, the door knocks, and its lou and stacey says, you really do love pestering me
Lou -  I need to talk to you
Stacey - what about
Lou - something important
Stacey - okay, do you want a cuppa
Lou - Yes, please
Stacey goes to make a cuppa tea, and lou is looking at a file that says dna on
Stacey comes in with tea and says, "So what do you have to talk to me about
Lou - so you know, you had an adoption in Mexico years ago
Stacey - how do you know about that
Lou - I heard about it
Stacey - what about It
Lou hands Stacey a file and says, read that
Stacey reads the file, and it says stacey slater is the biological mother to lou kelly
Stacey is shocked and says, "You ain't my daughter
Lou - oh yes, I am
Stacey - you need to go, I can't process this
Lou - I'm sorry, I've just sprung this on you
Later on, lou is sitting in the square, and Eve walks past and says, "Are you still here
Lou - it looks like it
Eve - you need to leave, Stacey can't see you here
Lou - she already has, and we have talked
Eve pushes lou and says, "Leave now
Lou says, "Come on, then and punches Eve, Eve grabs lou and headbutts her
Then Stacey comes and says, "Eve, get off her
Eve - she's nothing but trouble
Lou - are you gonna tell her Stacey, or shall I
Eve - tell me what
Stacey - lou is my biological daughter. Eve looks in shock and says, "No way
Lou - you better believe it, and I'm not going anywhere

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