Chapter 22: A Look Into The Future

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a/n: this chapter is a short bonus clip in preparation for the time skips that are coming ahead :)


"So, all in all—did you have a good birthday?" Toji is asking Kento over the phone, which you so happen to overhear while you are in the kitchen making your morning coffee. Kento looks more alive than ever. He's beaming when he answers, "Yeah. I did some things."

Toji raises his eyebrow, chuckles and leaves the context there. He doesn't attempt to question what Kento could have possibly meant. He says, "Alright.. well I'm glad to hear." He pauses, scratches his head. "Ah, I called you because Megumi said he forgot his headphones on the couch. Has Salem seen them?"

"Salem!" Kento calls. She comes down within a few seconds asking, "Yes?"

"Have you seen Megumi's headphones?"

"Oh. Those?" She points at the living room couch where a pair of black headphones were sitting.

"Ah yes." Kento says. "Yep, they're here." He tells Toji.

"Alright. We'll pick them up some time later. Keep them safe because I bought them for his birthday and they're expensive. As hell."

"Roger," Kento chuckles. Soon later he hangs up the phone and meets you and Salem at the breakfast table. He glances at the food, then at you.

"Good morning, fianceé." You smile. "Dig in."

He rubs his hand on his chin fighting back an irresistible smirk by the new title you were giving him. His brain is recollecting moments of last night and he's getting so distracted so easily.

"Hi," He exhales, taking a seat in the chair. "This food looks nice."

"All for you." You say.

It's a few minutes of calm silence, only the sound of clashing metal utensils onto the plates and light chewing on food. Then Salem asks a question.

"So," Salem says, "Is Mr. K my father now?"

Kento puts his fork down. He looks at Salem, you, then Salem again.

He waits for you to answer the question.

You look at him, noticing how silent he grew. You realize that they were both silently looking at you, as if your word was the only rightful and acceptable answer.

You take a breath.

"You can consider him as your father." You confirm with a half smile, hopefully giving the answer that would please the both of them.

Kento's eyes glistened when he heard the words come out of your mouth, so firmly. He looks back at Salem as she registered it.

"Wow." She's laughing in disbelief. You've never seen her so excited. "Hi, dad." She says, turning to Kento and looking at him in bewilderment.

"Hello, daughter." Kento is smiling, rubbing his hand on her head.

They aren't legally father and daughter but with your confirmation it felt like they were. Legal terms couldn't really nudge between the bond Salem and Kento had because regardless of what their titles were to each other, they'd always go together like two perfect puzzle pieces.

You then look down at your own stomach and place your palm on your lower belly.

And with the hopes of a new baby on the way, you can't wait to see Kento grow more fatherly and hospitable to your children.

In fact, you can't wait to grow in general. As a family, as newlyweds... whatever it may be. Here and now, it's the first time in your life that you've been excited for change.

You're ready to take on the future.

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