✣♡⟭⟬ 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑖𝑥⟬⟭♡✣

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Hiiii, it's been a while and I'm so glad I'm here again💜💓💗💝😘
If you remember, I was a little sick so I couldn't write this book, but we are back in action...

You know what this means, right? You are getting a new gift!!😍😍😍😍😍😍 magic box is very impatient so let's see what it prepared for today...

Okay, this is interesting

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Okay, this is interesting... I believe your facial expression is also interesting in this moment because you are probably thinking what will you do with my bank account and why am I gifting it to you... Well, as the paper says, this is a special bank account. You see, my real bank account says Im pretty much broke, but this one will just prove to you that I am actually a bilionare... And you probably still don't understand what that has to do with you, so let me just show you, why not?

*entering your bank account*
*please enter the password*

Password: KlaudjaIsStupidChicken_56778

*password is incorrect. Please try again or click forgot password*

Password: KlaudjaIsTheBestChickenInTheWorld_56778

*password is correct*
*you may now enter your bank account*

Your bank account is: ♾️♾️♾️

See? I told you Im a bilionare😂. Hey, I'm just joking. I'm not a bilionare, neither I wish to be. But it is the truth that I do have a lot. And let me show you what all is that I have. I believe it will be a pretty good birthday gift.


💜. I have infinite happiness. Because only one word from you is enough to make me happy. Every time I get a notification from you I smile brightly. That notification is the best part of my day. So dont hesitate to text me whenever you want, it will make me happy. Very happy.

❤. I have infinite support. Because I know you will support me no matter what.

🧡. I have limitless trust. Because I can trust you with everything, I know you will never lie to me. I can trust you with my life, with everything.

💚. I have someone to be honest with. Because I know I can tell you anything and you won't judge or laugh. I have to admit that I'm not always completely honest, not because I want to lie to you, but because no one has ever accepted me for who I really am. You are the first one ever so... It takes some time to get used to it. Thank you for being patient.

💙. I have someone to tell my problems to. Because I know you will tell me if I did something wrong, not because you hate me, but because you want to help me. I don't want to be a burden, but when I really need help with something, I know who to ask... Thank you for always being there to help.

💜. I have infinite imagination. Because wherever I go, I always imagine you walking next to me, laughing with me, talking to me. I imagine how it will look like once we finally hug at the airport or somewhere else. When we will walk Rudi together. When we will share secrets, play games, cook together, sing, dance, sleep, and whatever you will want to do.

💛. I have someone to make my soul at peace. Because I know that you mean everything you say without needing to look in your eyes. Every good night, every good morning, every I love you, every take care, I know you truly mean it when you say it. I don't have to spend all night overthinking it like I do with everyone else. And it means more than you know when you say those things.

💚. I can be in love without having a crush. Because, GIRL IM IN LOVE WITH YOU! Not romanticaly, but I am in love with you. I love you. More than a friend but less than a lover. You get it, right? Right? Yes? No? Okay, you don't have to get it. But it's the truth. Hehehehe.

💙. I can live knowing I'm not alone. Because, this year literally all my friends left me. Every single one of them. I don't have anyone... But somehow, you didn't leave. You are still here. And I don't know what I would do without you. Honestly, I am scaerd to even think about it. You are that one thing that keeps me together... Thank you.

💜. And last but not least... You have kidneys, heart, brain, lungs, etc... Maybe I do become a bilionare... Hehe👉👈😂😂😂
Jud kidding, just kidding. . . I would never sell any part of you because you are worth more than any money in the world.


This was a little weird gift and a weird idea, but the point of it was to tell you that to me you are more important than any money that can be put on any account in a bank. Money is just paper, something that stays in your wallet, picking up dust or just stays in shop or in someone's pocket. And you, you can bring happiness, you can make my day, you can make me smile, you can listen to me and I can listen to you. I can tell you that I love you and you can say it back. And no money will ever be able to replace that. Replace you. You are my ireplacable. Also, while writing this I relised that Im gifting this book to you, but actually, you gave me so much more than I will ever be able to give you. All on that bank account is what you are giving to me. I hope I can give back at least half of everything you gave me. If you ever feel like I cant give you enough, it is okay, you can leave. I will always be grateful for all good times we had together, for all the times when because of you I relised that life is worth living and that there is still some good in it besides constant saddness...

And now when I proved you that Im rich and that you are worth milions, bilions, trilions and of course more, it is time to go on the next chapter and see your next gift... Im very excited to see what it is too❤🧡💛💚💙💜💝💓😍😘💗💕💖💞🥰💋✨❣️

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