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I was on my way to office in my car. It was red light and was stress cause I am getting desperate for her, the river girl. Her lips were like heaven, I wish how would it will feel on mine. I was in my thoughts when I felt someone stares.

And it was her. I don't why but I broke in smile which I never imagined. I was excited to know her. The way she looked at me was insane.

It was green light and her car started to move and I followed her car.
"This time I would let you escape from me, Rose." I murmured to myself

I follow her till her way. She was continuously looking at me. I could feel that she wanted to meet me too. I could feel it. It was intense between us. I love it.

I saw the driver was asking her something and turned to him to answer. I felt jealous cause her attention is mine and anyone else. I deserve all of it.
Her eyes back to mine. I smiled at her. She blushed " Realllyyy!!!!" She blushed on my smile "Damme".
I took over her cab and got out of my car. She came out too.
"Jungkook" I said. Don't way but I did say it tho
"Y/N" She said in her honey sweet voice.

 Don't way but I did say it tho"Y/N" She said in her honey sweet voice

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