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I have so much writers block Ong 😔 When I was thinking about which book to write about next, I remembered Allie's existed, so here we go!!
                ONE YEAR BEFORE D-DAY—1943
     With WWII raging across Europe and the US about to go to war with them, meaning lots of men and boys were being drafted in the war. Sometimes, they choose to join the military. That was the case with my boyfriend, Douglas (Dee).
     I was getting ready to go on a last date with Dee before he had to leave for preparations for the Army. For confidential reasons, he couldn't tell me what it was. I was sad, but I knew that we had to make this night as special as possible. I put a rhinestone encrusted headband on and grabbed my white purse.
     "Mom, I'm going out now! I'll be back by 11:00 pm!"
     "Bye, honey, BE CAREFUL and have fun!" My mom yelled back as she shut the door behind me. I walked outside and walked down to Cherry Street Pier. We didn't live too far away, and it was a pretty romantic spot. As I was crossing the street, I noticed Dee looking out onto the water. I blushed and fixed my hair quickly. I quickly walked over to him, waving as he looked up at me.
     "Hey! I was waiting for you :)"
     "Sorry, mom was on my back again. Anyways, are you ready?"
     "Yup. Let's make this the best date we've had yet!"
I smiled and took Dee's hand. He squeezed it lightly and walked us over to a small ice cream shop. We purchased one small ice cream to share. Even with war raging across the ocean, ice cream seemed to never run out. After we got our ice cream (Jesus I can't stop saying🍦), we sat down at a table. One short, heartfelt conversation later, we were done and tossed away the cup in a nearby trash can. We got up and started to take a walk along river, the moon shining down on the water casting a romantic glow on everything.
Dee and I found a nice bench looking out onto the water. By now it was around 8:30, and there were supposed to be fireworks starting soon (ik this ain't realistic but I'm tryna get my Wattpad fantasy fulfilled 😣).
"So, your going off to the Army, huh?" I asked, leaning on his shoulder. I took his hand and looked down, rubbing his hand with my thumb.
"Yeah...I want to go fight though. I've gotta help somehow, and the solution to that is to apply for the army." He was staring up at the sky, supposedly watching for the fireworks.
"A-are you sure there's no other way?" I asked, looking up at him. He sighed and shut his eyes, thinking of an answer.
     "Honestly, Y/N, I don't know. It's just...I need join the fight. I need to help the Allies win this war."
     I looked at Dee, my heart softening. I had just opened my mouth to speak, when a firework lit up and exploded in the air. We both turned to look, and the colors exploded in the air. I turned back to Dee, and he was staring at me with love in his eyes. I blushed and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.
"Listen, Dee, I..."
I was suddenly interrupted by Dee kissing me. My eyes grew wide. We had only started dating a few months ago, and we hadn't kissed before. My heart was about to burst out of its chest. I suddenly realized what was going on, and I kissed him back, my eyes closing. The fireworks exploded around us, mimicking the explosions going on in my head. After about 30 seconds, we finally separated. I was blushing so much I probably looked like a human beet. Dee was blushing as well, but he seemed even redder then me.
      "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry, I should have asked before I did that!"
     I giggled. He always was so kind, and it wasn't like him to do things without others consent.
     "No, no, it's okay! It was...nice."
He smiled awkwardly, and we sat turned around and watched the fireworks explode across the river. I held Dee's hand, leaning on his shoulder. He leaned on my head, and it felt like a movie.

     But all good things come to an end eventually, and that next day, Dee left. I felt like I couldn't breath, my tears overwhelming. He turned around on the boat, tears welling up in his eyes. He waved with an awkward smile, trying to lighten the mood I'm guessing. I chuckled through my tears, waving and smiling back at him.
     I stayed at that dock all day, even after the boat left.  I'm confident he'll come back okay, and I'm ready for when he does.

☀️WORD COUNT: 818☀️

🩰A/N: I'm honestly not sure abt this chapter. I'm pretty proud of this, buuuuuuuuuut idk. Anyways, THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH FOR 101 READS!!!! I'm beyond greatful and I love you all!!🩰

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