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"Ladies and Gentlemen, we have arrived at our destination....Seoul, South Korea." The pilot voice called.
Joo-Eun let out a sigh of relief, she was finally home. She opened up KaokaoTalk and clicked on Changbins contact.
"My plane has landed.*"
"Got it, I am in the main lobby.*" Changbin responded.
Joo-Eun hadn't seen Changbin since her family made the decision to move to Thailand, when she was in 8th grade. They had been neighbors all the way up until then. But they had never lost contact throughout the years. So when Joo-Eun decided to talk a break from her university, she knew exactly where to go.
Joo-Eun made her way through the rush of the airport, until she made it to the main lobby. Immediately spotting Changbin from his broad build.
"Changbin!" Joo-Eun yelled out over the rush.
He looked up from his phone, and immediately broke out in a smile.
Joo-Eun jogged over to him, her bags dragging behind her.
Once she met up to him, they immediately hugged catching up on all the hugs they had missed over the years.
"Ugh, I've missed you more than i realized.*" Joo-Eun chuckled.
"Me too.*" Changbin responded.
Joo-Eun finally fully relaxed, feeling just like she did when she was 14.
"I can't believe I'm actually here, it still feels like a fever dream.*" Joo-Eun admitted.
"Tell me about it, 14 year old me would not believe that you came back to Korea.*" Changbin replied.
After talking for a bit more, they finally headed to Changbin's car. Loading all of Joo-Eun luggage, consisting of only a few carry ons.
"Uhhh, Joo what happened to all of your stuff?*" Changbin questioned.
"Oh! I only brought my art supplies, computer, and bathroom items. I can buy the rest.*" She responded with assurance.
"Alright, whatever makes you happy.*" He sighed.

- That's all I have for the first part, I will be doing daily updates or atleast try. I might write more tonight. -

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