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It was a cold winters afternoon; Owen and Zack, two childhood friends who are practically inseparable, could be seen taking a stroll through Evermore Woods; they trek along the hard dirt as the whistling winds smack them both in the face.

"A-achoo!" Owen sniffles, the cold air invading his senses.

"W-why are we out here again?" Owen asks looking over at his friend Zack, who is unlike Owen completely wrapped up. He's sporting a winter hat, and GIANT winter coat with a hood coated with fluff, warm mittens, and a scarf.

"Don't start complaining now, you should've layered more." He scolds his friend.

"You didn't answer my question, it's fucking below freezing why are we here in the middle of the woods?"

Zack sighs, getting frustrated at Owen as if he's supposed to know what he's planning.

"Remember when we were like 6 and that one winter when the lake froze over?"

Owen placed his freezing finger on his chin, like he's trying to think back.

"Oh, yeah! And we skated all day and played some hockey." Even in the freezing temperature, Owen still manages to laugh at the fond memory.

"Yeah, that. I wanna see if it froze over again."

Owen's mouth is agape for some reason he's shocked, but he was just thinking about how fun that memory was, so why the sudden change of reaction?

"You dragged me out here in the cold to see if the lake froze over? Are you serious!? We could get frostbite!" Owen yells into the woods, alerting any nearby birds that have now flown away.

"Yes. We're just gonna see and be gone."

"See and be gone my ass." Owen turns on his heel going back the way him and Zack came from, he starts to walk leaving Zack to stand and watch him. Owen takes a few steps, looks around for a bit. From Zack's point of view he watches as his friend groans and place his head in his hands.

"Ugh, fuck!" Owen walks back to his friend the snow crunching beneath his feet as he angerly stomps.

"Did you really forget how shit you are at directions?" Zack chuckled as Owen found his way back to him.

"It's not my fault everything's white." Owen protests, he's just embarrassed to admit he doesn't have a clue where to go.

"Yeah, right. Just stick with me, k? I don't need your dad up my ass."


Owen and Zack finally made it to the lake, but to no one's surprise the lake did not freeze over. Zack sits on a tree log, thinking of his next decision.

"Ha! Told you it wouldn't freeze over." Owen brags.

"Shut up, I'm thinking."

"What is there to think of, let's go home."


A strong gust of wind blows through the forest, so hard Owen almost fell from his standing position.

"Danm, see that? Let's go, now."

Owen once again suggests, but Zack is silent... too silent. "Hey, ya hear me? Let's leave, nothing's here." He stays silent, he lifts a finger pointing to something across the lake, Owen very much confused follows his finger.


A pair of legs could be seen floating above the water.

"We have to help them." Zack suddenly speaks up.

"We? You mean you." Said Owen, "They don't look like they need help anyways."

"H-how can't you say that!? They're obviously drowning!" Zack suddenly yelled at his friend, that's weird of him. He never raised his voice at anyone.

"Chill, that body is obviously unresponsive. Not our problem."
Owen sat on the log from earlier as he watched Zack pacing back and forth.

"W-We can't just leave, let's I don't know... investigate. It could be someone's corpses"

The red haired sighed, "Ok, just whatever it is we're calling the cops immediately, alright."

Zack shook his head, without responding he circled the lake to get to the other side. Owen slowly followed him whlie dragging his feet against the snow coverd ground.

Owen: Why are we doing this? This feels wrong, what if that really is someone's corpses. I feel sick to my stomach thinking about it.

Zack: I saw something across that lake, it wasn't just a pair of legs in the air. I saw a girl who looked about our age staring daggers at me, it was like a freaky staring contest. The girl was also drenched, her hair and clothes were soaked.... she had to be freezing, right?



Words: 782

An: WIP!


Owen leaps into the air, "AHH FUCK!"

Owen grips onto Zack's shoulder, startled from the unexpected sound. "Owen, buddy. That was a twig, calm down."

"Oh." He loosen his grip from Zack's shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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