a shitty day

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As me and Owen did our seperate matches we both had bruises as we landed on the mat me worse than him as I landed on a chair a few times and breaths as I sat myself in an icey cold ice bath and groans as the ice burned the open cuts and winces as I buried myself deeper in the water as I took the pain down a bit and signs as Davey shook his head at me.

Bret: what it stings?

Davey: nothing man just that I worry about u sometimes when u over do it Bret

Bret: I appreciate it Davey but I'm fine just some minor bumps and scraps so far Goldberg gave me a workout out there this time* signs as I got out of the tub and grabs my towel  drying myself off a bit as Vince dragged in a fan by the arm I still had my shades on as he shoved her to the ground screaming at her* to what the heck is going on to make u shove the poor thing to the ground?

Vince: she stole some of yours and Owens merch without paying for it and tried to deny ita......* Gets cut off by Owen*

Owen: Vince shut up and let her explain her side to us and then we will decide what to do it's our merch after all miss u can talk to us four it's okay!

Brittany:* backs away scared* I left my cash for it under the money box I wasn't stealing I swear I just wanted my little brother to have a birthday gift hes a fan of u guys and he's sick I just wanted him to have a decent birthday this year since he can't be home I never meant to start anything honest

Bret:* signs and helps he up* u know what we're gonna go with u to the merch stand pick out anything u want him to have on us but we will also go with u to meet this little brother in person give him an even better birthday this year

Brittany: really u guys would do that for him?

Jim: may as well since Vince wants to be an ass we gotta do something to make it right!

Davey: I'm down but this is for her little brother* punches Vince hitting his jaw as he stumbled backwards and walks off with the guys and the fan*

Bret:* helps the fan carry the bags as we walked to the hospital and chuckles until we got there I wouldn't let her carry the backs as she walked into her brothers hospital room we waited outside the door*

Dylan:* coughs as it hurt to breath and smiles* hi sis

Brittany: hey Dylan here's the merch but I'm please don't over do yourself but u have special guests today happy birthday bro

Bret:* walks in with the guys and smiles sitting down beside the kid* hi squirt

Dylan: no way the hart foundation awesome your the best big sister ever

Owen: is she now?

Dylan: duh she pretty much raised me since mom and dad passed away she never left or complained just did it she didn't leave me like everyone else did even though I'm sick she still does what she can even though I know my medical bills are getting to much for her now I wish I wasn't sick anymore so she wouldn't struggle as much

Brittany:* signs* Dylan I'd do it over again if I had to u know that we made a promise to stick together and I'm keeping that promise

Bret: your a lucky boy to have a sister like her my sister made that same promise and broke it when I was little told myself I'd never make that promise again until mom had Owen and I vowed to always protect him Owen was my closest friend for the longest time and still is so little man what do u want to see the most when u get out of here

Dylan:* thinks for a second and smiles* horses and my sisters ex getting the sharpshooter he's mean to her all the time he still puts her down saying she don't do anything good enough

Bret: oh he does does he I see a woman who does everything she can to make u smile everyday doesn't look how he says it does it?

Dylan:* shakes my head no and crawls over to sit in Bret laps happy*

Bret:* smiles and holds him he was so frail and skinny as Owen and I watched Dylan fall asleep after a while in my arms I couldn't help but hurt for the boy as he was terminally ill and sets him back in his bed and signs as I took off my shades as Owen put another pair on me before she seen and sets mine on him kissing his head* happy birthday Dylan I have another surprise coming tomarrow morning for ya

Brittany:* hugs the guys and signs* thank u guys for everything today I've never seen him this happy in four years

Owen: it's the least we can do besides I can tell he's a hitman fan!

Brittany: he looks up to Bret what can I say he is the best there is he repeats your saying Bret in his sleep for God's sake I sometimes wonder what goes on in his little head and then sometimes I don't even wanna know

Bret: best not to but if he turns out like me I'll kick his arse straight as an arrow it's not good to try and follow in my footsteps I'm not no clean saint honestly * as us guys headed back to our hotel rooms I fell asleep in my bed and relaxed as morning came round I was up bathed and dressed and gone to the hospital and pays for Dylan's full treatments as Brittany walked down to pay for one I hide around the corner*  

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