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How To Strengthen Our Belief In Abundance?
If you haven't had a great attitude up to this point in your life, it's time to change! By using only a few simple strategies, you can easily strengthen the attitude of abundance in yourself:
1. Examine and revise your beliefs
Having the mindset of 'lack' is a result of deep and rooted beliefs that have been formed in you about yourself and your performance in life. Therefore, the first step in changing the attitude of scarcity and 'lack' to the mindset of 'abundance' is to be aware of your own beliefs.
When thoughts of inadequacy and lack come to your mind or you feel fear and anxiety in your body, write them down and then decide what positive thoughts you can replace them with, or what solutions you can have to fix them. You have to be mindful about your own mindset, and constantly develop it in the positive way. As our mind can easily be trained and we can adapt to the energy and frequency of abundance by being mindful about our thoughts and feelings.
(If you don't know where to start to revise your beliefs and attitudes, )
2. Practice letting go
When we really want to achieve things such as love, career, wealth and success, we often get attached to the result and wait for the promised day.
So if the conditions do not go according to our wishes and according to what we have planned, we will be disappointed very soon and we will come to the feeling of 'lack'.
The key to an abundance mindset is to let go of any expectations about how, when, and what will happen in the future and focus solely on taking the actions you must take at the time.
3. Focus on your past good experiences
Undoubtedly, we all have experienced abundance in our lives:
The job situation that you never thought about having.
Recovering from an illness.
An investment that had a lot of returns
Getting to know someone whose relationship was a dream for you
And many more examples that can remind you how abundance has been present in your life.
By relying on these experiences, specially when faced with crises and failures, you can still maintain your positive attitude and gain its benefits.
4. Read inspiring stories
To strengthen the belief in abundance, read the life stories of people who have been able to overcome adverse conditions and achieve abundant wealth and success. By observing the experience of others, it will be proven to you that the law of abundance is not a lie and is true.
In addition, when things don't go your way, you won't easily lose your attitude of abundance.
(Phil Knight is one of those people whose success story in launching the famous Nike company can inspire you in this regard. It would be good if you read the book Shoe Dog by Phil Knight.)
5. Celebrate your success and wish good for others
It is amazing to be successful and celebrating your own success. But you have to keep the whole package and be happy for others too. As negative feelings takes away the opportunity for growth and success from you and will trap you in the whirlpool of rumination about proving that the other people do not deserve success and happiness as much as you do!
Instead of wasting your energy, celebrate the success of others and focus on achieving your personal goals.
This will not only increase your chances of success, but also make you aligned with the frequency of abundance!
6. Practice gratitude
There is a subtle difference between satisfaction and contentment! Belief in abundance tells you that you should be satisfied with what you have right now, and since everything good in the world is in frequency with the abundance the appreciation will keep you in that frequency, yet you still can be satisfied with your current conditions or try to improve the situation based on your goals and desires.
Many people feel this way, when they get their desired money, house, car and relationships, they still feel that it is not enough and without enjoying what they have and without remembering one day it was their own dream to have that thing in their life, they put pressure on themselves to get more things and forget to see the worth of their life blessings at the time.
Practice gratitude to feel the miracle of gratitude in your life by counting and appreciating your current blessings to keep yourself with the frequency of abundance.
7. Strengthen your mindset
When the situation is going in such a way that you feel that everything is against you, you may find a negative attitude and deviate from the road of abundance. In this case, you must have tools that can pull you out of this abyss. And return you to the abundant mindset.
Naturally, everyone's tools are different from others: One person feels better by walking, meditating, and reading books, and another person finds a new life by watching movies, doing artistic works, and being in nature.
The world is full of abundance and things like love, wealth, energy and success are infinite. The only way to benefit from these abundances is to have an abundance mentality.
An attitude that tells us that we have the same opportunity to achieve our desires as others, and the success of others will not take away our rights. I talked with you about abundant mentality and provided you with solutions to develop a mindset that believes in abundance.
(If You want to learn more, you can read the complete article by using this link: https://yasgorji.com/index.php/2024/07/04/how-does-the-law-of-abundance-work/)