We saw small houses on the mountain and a man meditating
Everyone: I'm sorry...
Man: I immortalized you
Lexie: We need teacher Iriney
Man: It's me
Dule: Teacher Erney sent us
Iriney: I know, children...let's start a new training session
All: Good
Iriney: But first freshen up and rest a little
Half an hour later
Iriney: Today we will work on breathing concentration...
Mariam: But we already know that
Iriney: Yes...but do you know the technique of breathing all at once?
All: Suddenly!?
Iriney: Yes, we are practicing it today
We meditated
They listened to the wind, the water...
And then we started with the weapons
We've all mastered that techniqueIriney: I didn't expect you to master it so quickly, but you did... rest and we'll continue tomorrow
~Time Skipping~
TomorrowIriney: Today you will go to the top of that mountain where there is very little air and you will have to come back
Siki: That will be easy!
Iriney: But you have to tie your hands with a rope
We managed to do that too
Iriney: Excellent...now show me what you know
Iriney was amazed, but he also gave us instructions on what to do and how to improve even more
New life or death?
HorrorThe story is about us all trying to escape from the man who wants to kill us and finding our old house (I also participate...The writer)