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Paige Bueckers

"Hey pretty girl. How you feelin?" I asked Houston as she answered my FaceTime with an evident pout on her face.
"Like shit. My head is pounding. Oh god," she winced as I nodded.
"I'm sorry baby, you need anything? Have you eaten?" I asked as she shook her head.
"Hous, you gotta eat so you can take medicine mama. I'm coming over. Don't tell me no either. I'll see you in twenty minutes okay?" I said as she nodded before we hung up.
"You finna dip out?" I heard nailing em turn around to see KK.
"Yeah I'm finna take Houston some food and medicine she not feeling too hot. I explained as the sophomore nodded.
"Oh okay. Bro have you peeped how close they're getting?" She said as I looked up to see her pointing at Georgia and Emily who were cuddling on the couch as they slept.

My jaw tightened a bit before I nodded

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My jaw tightened a bit before I nodded.
"Yeah. Where's Azzi and Ice? They still sleep too?" I asked, changing the conversation. I tied my second shoe and sat up as she let me know that everyone was sleep but her and I.
"Okay, make sure Drew Calls my dad or Camille when he wakes if I'm not back," I asked as she nodded and dapped me up before I left. I sighed as I made it outside. Now my emotions could run freely. What the actual fuck. Emily and Georgia? Georgie isn't even gay...maybe I'm tripping for nothing. Besides I have Houston. Yeah, Houston, who I'm supposed to be bringing food and meds to because she's sick. Let me get on that. I raised to cvs and grabbed All the things before speeding to her apartment. As I walked up
Tot he door I heard Nugget start barking and I laughed as I pushed the door open.
"Hous, I'm here baby." I called out as I sat the bags in her kitchen before heading to the back. I saw her laying in bed looking sick as ever. She opened her eyes and gave me a small smile.
"Hey P," her voice rasped. I pouted as I bent down kissing her forehead.
"Awe my poor baby. Let's get you better mama," I said as I went to grab her things, with Nugget hot on my heels.

Georgia Amoore pov

"G, sit up love," I heard a voice rasp out. I was too tired to responded so I did as I was told before attempting to fall back asleep.i assumed it was Paige since thats how we always slept. After a while I finally sat up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.
"Hey sleepy head," I heard as I looked up seeing Emily. She held out a cup of coffee and I smiled brightly.
"Thanks sugar. We might have to get married if you bring me coffee in the morning," I teased as she laughed nodding her head.
"Don't do that, you're gonna get my hopes up G," she said, biting her lip.
"Don't tell KK that. She might fight you,"  I joked as she leaned in laughing. But I couldn't help but see her eyes flicker between mine and my lips. Did she-oh shit. Before I could stop it, we leaned in kissing each other. Slowly we pulled away and I froze.
"Oh shit, I'm so sorry Georgia," she said immediately as I shook my head.
"It's okay Em. Accident?" I said as she awkwardly nodded. 
"Yeah, yeah," she said brushing the back of her neck with her hand.
"Hey, we're fine. Don't stress it," I reassured her.she gave me a smirk and nodded but I looked up and drew was staring at me.
"You cheated on me?" He said in his little kid voice. It took everything in me not to laugh.
"Waist it wasn't like that. It was an accident," I said now in tears at how hard I wanted to laughed. He shook his head and stroked off making Emily and I both burst into tears.
"Oh my god. I was ready to two piece me man," she said as I laughed nodding.
"I pray when he gets a girlfriends she never breaks his heart because oh my god," we laughed together as he door opened and Azzi, Ice, and KK walked in.
"Hey sleepy heads yall finally up?" KK teased as I flipped her off.
"What you be saying? Girl boo," I said sassily. Now it was their turn to laugh
"Ugh I missed you so much G-yonce," once said as she near hugged me.
"I missed you more iceypooh," Azzi rolled her eyes at us playfully.
"Yall so gay," she said making me  flip her off her playfully. The door Kepler again and Paige walked in with a huge smile on her face.
"Well where have you been missy? Drew asked as she mushed his face.
"Mind your business kid. Make sure your stuff is packed, dad wants you home today," she said as he pouted.
"Awe man," Drew sadly said as his shoulders dropped.
"I don't wanna go, I like hanging with yall," he said making me pout.
"We like hanging with you too Drewski. We got all summer bud," Ice said as she hugged him and we all agreed. As the afternoon wore on, everyone started gathering their things to head back to their dorms. The lazy atmosphere was broken by the sounds of bags zipping and goodbyes being exchanged.
"Alright, who needs a ride back to campus?" KK asked, jingling her car keys.
"Me!" Azzi and Ice called out in unison, making everyone laugh. I turned to Georgia, who was checking her phone with a frown. "What about you, G? When's your flight?" Georgia looked up, her expression a mix of frustration and worry. "That's the thing... I just got a notification. My flight's been canceled due to some mechanical issues."
"Oh no," Emily said, pausing in the middle of packing her bag. "What are you going to do?" Georgia ran a hand through her hair, sighing. "I don't know. All the other flights are booked solid. I might have to wait until tomorrow." Without thinking, I blurted out, "You can stay with me tonight." Everyone turned to look at me, and I felt my cheeks heat up. "I mean, if you want to. It's no trouble." Georgia's face lit up with relief. "Really? You wouldn't mind?" I shook my head, trying to ignore the flutter in my stomach. "Of course not. What are friends for?" As everyone else filed out, saying their goodbyes and promising to meet up again soon, Georgia and I were left alone in the suddenly quiet apartment.
"So," I said, feeling oddly nervous. "You want to order some food? Watch a movie?" Georgia nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Sounds perfect." We settled on the couch, closer than we probably needed to be, and put on a rom-com we'd both seen a dozen times. As the familiar plot unfolded, I found myself hyper-aware of Georgia's presence next to me. The way she laughed at the cheesy jokes, the scent of her shampoo, the warmth of her leg pressed against mine. Halfway through the movie, Georgia turned to me, her eyes soft in the dim light from the TV. "Thanks for letting me stay, P. I don't know what I would've done otherwise." I met her gaze, feeling something shift in the air between us. "Anytime, G. You know I've always got your back." For a moment, we just looked at each other. I could've sworn Georgia's eyes flickered to my lips, and I felt myself leaning in ever so slightly. My heart was pounding in my chest. Just as I thought something might happen, my phone buzzed loudly, making us both jump. It was a text from Houston.
"Everything okay?" Georgia asked, her voice a little breathless. I nodded, feeling a mix of disappointment and relief. "Yeah, just Houston checking in."
We turned back to the movie, but the moment was gone. As we sat there in silence, I couldn't help but wonder what might have happened if my phone hadn't gone off. And more importantly, why a part of me wished it hadn't. As the credits rolled, I cleared my throat. "We should probably get some sleep. You've got an early flight tomorrow." Georgia nodded, standing up and stretching. "Yeah, you're right. Thanks again, P. For everything." As we got ready for bed, I couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed between us. But as I lay in bed, listening to Georgia's soft breathing from the air mattress on the floor, I pushed those thoughts aside. Whatever was going on, whatever I was feeling, it would have to wait. For now, I just needed to be a good friend and get Georgia home safely tomorrow.

Excuse all errors
Ajah ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26 ⏰

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