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  Storming up to the wealthy-looking mansion Izuku pulled out his knife and walked up the steps. On the grey concrete steps, there was a green carpet that traveled up the steps like a snake into the building. On either side of the stairs was a fountain that shot water from its mouth. 

  *Wham* Slaming the door open Izuku whipped his knife into a mobster. The blade slammed into the man's sternum. The man looked up in shock before falling to the floor *Thud*. Picking up the double barrel shotgun Izuku turned to noises of a door opening *Creak*.  

  "HEY, WE GO COMPANY-" *Boom* The thug's voice was cut off as the blast from the shotgun tore his face off. A large amount of blood, teeth, and bone splashed against the window and purple flooring.  Looking to his left he watched as another thug ran out. The thug froze and raised his hands. 

  "Look I'm only in it for the money-" *Boom* The top of the man's head was blown open like a watermelon. Brain and blood sloshed out of his head as he fell to the floor.  Dropping the shotgun Izuku looked around the now bloody room.  Looking into the room on his right; it contained two sports cars, one bright green one that matched the carpet, and a pink one that had a tarp on it. Looking to the room on his left; it had a green striped carpet in the middle of the room, purple flooring that matched the main hall. it had an L-shaped couch, a comfortable chair, two light stands, and a plant in the corner of the room. A large wooden stand that held a rather large and expensive-looking TV, along with a stereo system sat on one end of the room.  Turning he looked up at the large stairs that went up. The green carpet that heavily contrasted with the purple flooring led him to what he wanted.  

  Walking up the stairs Izuku was met with a set of double doors walking up to the doors he turned the handle. *Creak* Walking in he was met with the end of the carpet that led to a sparkling blue diamond floor. To the back left of the room was a pool that had a floating stand in it. To his right was an empty weapon stand, the only thing in it being a gold trophy. Near the center of the room on either side, were two large water fountains. Walking forward he stared down the man behind the desk. The man had black scraggly hair, green eyes, and a few wrinkles. In front of his desk were two black jaguars, and to the man's left was a blonde-haired woman. She wore a pink fluffy scarf, black sunglasses, and a form of track pants. She looked at Izuku with a blank expression as she gripped the katana on her hip.  The man looked at Izuku and spoke with a heavy Russian accent. 

  "And who do we have here?... You must be the main asshole killing off my men. Doesn't look like you are here to chat... So why don't we get this over with?" With that Izuku slowly backed away from the panther and reached for his knife. 

  ("Dammit that's right, it's still in that mobster's body downstairs. Alright Izuku improvise") He thought. Turning to the trophy case, he sprinted forward and picked up a large gold trophy.  Turning back to the Jaguars that began approaching him he slowly stalked around them.  One of the big cats rushed Izuku lunging for his stomach. *WHAM* Smashing the trophy into the jaguar's mouth he raised the trophy again and slammed it into the jaguar's head. *Crunch* The trophy dented slightly as the large cat's skull caved in.  The other jaguar dove over the body at Izuku. Ducking he let the big cat dive over his head. Turning he quickly grabbed its leg and tripped it. Pulling it toward him he sprinted at it and slammed the base of the trophy in its eye. *Splat* The jaguar howled in pain as it tried getting away. *Crack* The cat's legs twitched as it lay there bleeding from its skull. *CRUNCH* The jaguar's head caved in as teeth came spitting out onto the expensive flooring.  Turning to the man and his bodyguard he took a step forward.  

  "Leave him to me." The blonde woman holding onto her katana ran forward.  She sprinted forward at Izuku about to draw her blade and slash him. *Thunk!* The woman fell backward and slammed into the floor as the gold trophy struck her in the head. Diving onto her Izuku grabbed her head. *Wham* *Wham* The woman struggled and beat against him. *Wham* *Wham* Slamming her head into the floor two more times Izuku got up.  The woman, still in defiance began crawling toward one of her throwing knives. 

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