8 | A Method To His Madness

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The stadium behind us cheered loudly as the final point was scored. We all jumped up as the buzzer indicated the end of the game with our team up by five points. When Alex didn't follow Ty and I grabbed his shoulders from either side to force him to a standing position. He rolled his eyes as we shook him back and forth and shouted in his ears. He couldn't hide the smile even as he pushed us off of him.

"Go Neanderthal!" I shouted as I leaned over the fence in front of us watching as she picked up her drums.

Either she didn't hear me or she was still ignoring me. Judging from the scowl on her face it was the latter.

Alex shoved my shoulder and pulled me back down by the back of my shirt. "You're acting like an over involved parent."

"Someone's got to." I glared at him but he just sat forward.

He couldn't hide the grin on his face as he watched her out through the whole game. He never liked football, never had time for any sport really except basketball. This was the most involved I saw him in anything since we were children. I wasn't going to tell him he seemed more involved in her than I did. I'd tease him about it next time and let him enjoy this time.

It wasn't long before music played as players hoisted each other in the air, throwing their helmets across the field, not caring if it hit someone in the face. It was the first game of the year and we won. Usually this entailed a prosperous year for the football team. This was good because Desmond worked his ass off as the quarterback. He was hoping to get scouted and I had my fingers crossed for him.

As everyone began quieting and exiting the field we remained. Alex sat between me and Tyler who currently had his attention drawn to my younger sister and a couple of her friends. It seemed he had himself his own little fan club. He didn't even realize it. It was funny watching them hang all over him, jumping and screaming when he did, asking questions, and batting their lashes while they did it. He absently responded, too busy cheering on his friend to pay them much attention otherwise. I don't think they minded since they still got to gaze longingly in his direction without getting shamed.

Much to their dismay he finally stood to meet up with D at the changing rooms. I didn't blame him as he barely got the sentence from his mouth before racing down the aisle. Just like Alex and I are best friends, he and Desmond were basically inseparable. Somewhere in that conceited brain of his Desmond felt the same way. He'd never express that out loud. I suppose he and Alex are similar in that regard.

"Let's go wait by the gate," I told Alex standing as Ty disappeared. I turned to Kara giggling with her friends in hushed voices, "Are you coming?"

They stopped talking to look at me as if I caught them mid burglary. Kara shook her head letting her eyes wander elsewhere, "I'm gonna stay here and chat for a bit."

"Don't make us wait too long. I'd like to get home tonight preferably."

She rolled her eyes now and scoffed, "Whatever, fine."

I shook my head and led the way through hordes of students and parents. I was afraid this would be a problem. Since my parents adopted her she always worried about fitting in. I didn't think the sweet little girl I'd grown to know would turn into such a moody teenager so quickly after starting high school. She always fit in easily, better than me sometimes. I didn't think she needed to try so hard to find friends when she had perfectly fine ones already.

"I suggested softball once," Alex told me as we descended the metal stairs. I turned around as I had to wait at the bottom for some guy to move out of the way. Alex brought his eyes from the field back to me and shook his head with a laugh, "She did not like that idea. Thought if she ever did get her hand on a bat she'd knock my head off with it. You're lucky she likes this or your head would be in her drumset."

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