The Beginning

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As I awaken, I survey my familiar surroundings. The bed creaks as I rise, the harsh fluorescent lights growing brighter with each passing moment. The strong smell of iron emanates from the bars and the toilet. I mark off another day spent in this dismal place on the wall... day 45. I long for the day when a miracle will grant me access to the endless entertainment that awaits me. As I slowly emerge from my trance, I hear the familiar sound of heavy footsteps approaching my cell.
"Good morning, Mary. Your breakfast is here," says Gary, the guard. "I will be back in 40 minutes to escort you to the showers." His words are always identical as if he's reciting from a script.
As he ventures into the unknown, I settle onto the floor.

I am confined in a closely monitored and heavily guarded cell within this prison. I committed a terrible crime. I had accidentally got a DUI...
I had an extremely taxing day. My boss gave me an overwhelming amount of work and had a consistently unpleasant demeanour. She was displaying her usual entitled behaviour, and I couldn't stand it. She treats all her employees terribly. After a gruelling day of non-stop work, I decided to visit a bar. I ended up spending a significant amount of money and getting very drunk. Without thinking, I made the dangerous decision to drive home. I was speeding, driving recklessly, and got into an accident. It wasn't until the morning that I realized that I had caused the death of 7 people.

I cross my legs and shut my eyes, focusing on meditation and connecting with the energy permeating the air. Drawing in this energy enhances my command over my supernatural abilities.
I intend to undertake a highly contemplated action today. Over the past 45 days, I have expended significant energy in aimless contemplation. Now, I resolve to execute an unprecedented act.

I plan to annihilate humanity and all its constructs.

My rationale is rooted in the belief that if one possesses the capability, one must act. Perpetual complaints regarding the world's dire state, the purported absence of hope, and the lack of societal direction have reached my ears incessantly. These grievances serve as my impetus. If the world is indeed as detestable as people claim, I will assume responsibility for addressing this perceived suffering decisively. My objective is to ensure that today marks the final chapter of Earth's existence. I will eradicate all life, leaving no entity behind.

My method will commence with transforming all living organisms (excluding myself, naturally) into blades of grass. This transformation will ensure that no one experiences any sensation when humanity meets its end. Subsequently, I will cause the sun to explode violently, unleashing a tremendous surge of energy that will obliterate everything in its path, including Earth itself. This cataclysmic event will conclude the existence of humanity, myself included.

As I detect the faint sound of Gary's approaching footsteps, I recognize the urgency of my actions. I lie on the ground, ready to proceed with my plan.

I attune myself to the energy and transmit a command to transmute all living entities into individual blades of grass. Within moments, my directive is executed. The cacophony that once existed is now silenced. Gary's footsteps are no longer audible. Despite my desire to observe the myriad scattered blades of grass, I remain confined within this enclosure, unable to venture outside.

I revert to a meditative state to transmit another directive, one that necessitates considerable fortitude. I issue the mandate for the sun to detonate, intending to allow it to obliterate all humanity and matter in its vicinity, thereby culminating in the extinction of humanity and all forms of existence.

Approximately eight minutes later, the radiation and neutrinos permeate Earth, annihilating all humanity—specifically, the blades of grass.

I awaken.
In the wake of the catastrophic event that has transpired, it appears I have survived. I rise, overwhelmed by shock and fear. I observed the severe conditions left in the aftermath. I search for an explanation as to why I was spared. I had decreed the elimination of all humanity. For me to remain unscathed suggests that I do not qualify as human. To not be considered human implies an inability to love, create, or possess compassion. Furthermore, I had commanded the eradication of all life and matter. My presence here indicates that I am neither human nor alive.

To neither be a thing of life nor matter suggests that I am nothing. However, being nothing implies nonexistence, but I do exist.

I come to bring ruin to this world. I appear godlike, possessing perfect power and seemingly the only one alive.

Am I a god?

"Hello there, young one," a voice nearby exclaims.

"What? Who are you?" I ask, feeling panic-stricken. I thought I had eradicated all life once and for all.

"Don't panic. It is I, God. You have destroyed my creation, my life, my will, my power. Now, this is yours. Earth is now your responsibility. You must remain resolute, as invincible as I once was. I must take an eternal rest. Your questions will remain unanswered," the voice says, then falls silent.

"I will try," I say, feeling hopeless. I did have a myriad of questions waiting for an answer. They shall remain as alone as me.

Hi! So, this is the first book I'm publishing. I'm going to try and add a new chapter per day or two (until summer is over). If this gets confusing at all PLEASE lmk and I can summarize it!!
I originally got this idea because of a dream. As you can probably tell, this is almost like a dream (I promise you, it's not. I'm not gonna do that cliché ending like "Then I woke up")

I appreciate feedback from anyone and everyone!!
Love ya xx

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