Chapter 3: An unclaimed omega who doesn't want pups?

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Brian tried not to look as nervous as he feels, yes he has been through shit before, but he feels like this time it's gonna be different. That something is gonna go wrong. Every part of him is screaming to run, but the only reason he is not doing that is because of the hand on him. The hand on his thigh is keeping him there, Dom is keeping him here. Dom lets out a calming noise which makes the omega purr. 

They pull in and Brian watches as Dom takes a breath before opening the door and getting out, Brain follows. The omega is met with a gun pointed straight at him. Brian straightened himself up, ready to run or fight depending on what was gonna happen here. 

He looks over at the other alpha, Johnny Tran, as he pulls off his helmet. Tran is bad news, everyone knows it, but they have never gotten back anything that will stick to him. That's the only reason he is a walking man. 

“I thought we had an agreement,” Tran says as he looks at Brian’s, well now, Dom’s car. Brian looks directly over at Dom, who is staring back at him, he’s keeping Brian calm with his eye contact. Brain pushes the same back to him. He couldn't help it, he had this need to keep the other calm as well, “You stay away. I stay away. Everyone stays happy.”

When Tran finishes his sentence, Dom's demeanor changes. He looks over at Tran with anger rolling off him in waves. It’s no secret that these two have history, it's in the records. But this seems personal. 

Dom takes a second to respond, breathing through his nose. When Brian realizes that the alpha is trying to find his sent, he has a sick twist of pride go through him. 

Brian is used to the feeling of two pissed-off alphas, working in any form of government they are alpha prowed. Alpha standoffs aren't uncommon, but how Brain reacts to this one is. Dom is a powerful alpha with a powerful scent, mixing that with anger. Brian’s omega is begging to bare his neck to the alpha.

“What do you want me to say, Tran?” Dom says, almost growling out, “We got lost.”

“Who's we?” Tran asks, eyeing Brian in a way that makes the blonde's skin crawl. He's used to being looked at like that, but this is different, this is an alpha with power, with a gunman who will shoot when asked.

“My new machine,” Dom says without thinking, which Brian finds little comfort in, but nods anyway.

Brian looks back at Dom wanting more comfort before biting the inside of his lip. Stop it, you're showing vulnerability, and Johnny is the type of alpha to play that to his liking. Dom does not look scared, he looks like he is in control. Brina knows that Dom is in control of this and he lets himself fall back into that.

Dom keeps eye contact with Brian as he talks to Tran, “Brian this is Johnny Tran and the guy in snakeskin pants is his cousin Lance.”

Tran takes his time looking Brian up and down, something that Brian is used to being a male omega. Male omega are rare, that's why they are so desirable because they are this rare thing that everyone wants. Only 15% of males are omega’s, 35% are alphas leaving 50% to the beta’s. It doesn't help that Brian is somewhat attractive, he's used to this unwanted attention. 

Tran smirks, “I didn’t know you hired omega’s”

“Don’t know what that has to do with anything мудак” asshole Brian snaps before he can think it through. Tran is a man that people don’t talk back to.

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