He is

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You've been with the ministry for six months now, and everyone there is thriving but you.
You're just as devout as the rest of the clergy. Why are you the only one struggling? You assume it has something to do with your background.

You married your high school sweetheart shortly after graduation and became a stay-at-home wife. That was "the way of things", according to your mother, your father, and everyone at church. You did it, but you hated it.
You grew dissatisfied quickly and began rebelling. Marriage counseling with the pastor didn't help. When you got divorced, most of your church friends and family distanced themselves from you.

You moved to a new city, but with no real work experience to speak of, you ended up in crummy janitorial jobs. This was how you found Satan. You were working cleaning crew at a music venue when you happened to catch the act; Papa Emeritus and his Nameless Ghouls. They reveled in the name of Satan. They stood for light, love, free-thinking and everything you believed to be good in the world.

You'd found your calling.

Once you joined the ministry, you were not surprised when you were assigned the bulk of the cleaning duties around the building. You, like all the staff, were also asked to convert people to the cause.
You sucked. Your colleagues were bringing in people on a weekly basis, but you hadn't gotten a single convert.

This was supposed to be your calling, how could you be so bad at it?

By day, you mopped the ministry floors and polished the silver candlesticks. By night, you'd sit by candlelight in your tiny room, reading about the world, reading about the Devil, and trying to educate yourself on how best to carry out his unholy bidding. You even began penning letters about Satan's dark will. You thought you might send them to influential people in hopes of persuading them to join the cause. If only people could see what you saw. If only their eyes could be opened as yours had been.
Papa "Terzo" as the clergy called him, was incredibly gifted. He could save people. But he needed help. You couldn't fail him.

This is why you found yourself knocking on Sister Imperator's office door late one night, desperate for counseling. This is how you found yourself sitting face to face with Papa Terzo for the first time.

This is how it happened.

A Good Defiling - Papa Emeritus X readerWhere stories live. Discover now