The Jewel of Destiny

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Green Hill Zone was quiet until an urgent message arrived at Tails. He quickly summoned Sonic, Amy, Knuckles, Sticks and even Shadow to a meeting at his workshop.

Tails: "People, we got an alert. Eggman is behind the Jewel of Destiny, an ancient stone with unimaginable powers. If he manages to put her in his hands, it could be the end!"

Knuckles: "The Jewel of Destiny? It is kept in the Temple of the Mountain. We have to stop it!"

Sonic: "So let's run up there and put an end to Eggman's plans. Who's with me?"

Sticks: "I have a good feeling about it."

The crew departed towards the Temple of the Mountain. On the way, they encountered several Eggman robots, but Sonic and Amy fought side by side, destroying enemies with speed and precision.

Amy: "Sonic, watch out for that robot on your right!"

Sonic: "Thank you, Amy! Be careful, too!"

On arrival in the temple, they found Eggman trying to open the gate to the Jewellery room.

Eggman: "Well, now, if it's not the Sonic group. You're late. The Jewel of Destiny will be mine!"

Knuckles: "Don't think about it, Eggman!"

The battle has begun. Eggman controlled a giant guard robot. Tails and Sticks worked together to disable the defense mechanisms, while Shadow attacked the robot directly.

Tails: "Your obsession with power will be your ruin, Eggman!"

Eggman: "We'll see!"

With a combined attack, Sonic and Amy destroyed the control of the robot, completely disabling it. Eggman, furious, tried to escape, but Knuckles prevented him.

Knuckles: "Not so fast, Eggman!"

Eggman: "This is not over yet!"

Suddenly, Eggman threw a small robot spider that grabbed Amy's leg. The spider began to emit strong shocks, causing Amy to scream of pain.

Amy: “AAAAAAA.....F-Fuck it hurts a lot"

Sonic: "Amy!? Hold fast, I'll help you"

Sonic tried to rip the robot spider out of Amy's leg, but the shocks were too intense.

Tails: "Sonic, let me try, I can disable her system!"

Despite Tails' efforts, the robot spider continued to emit shocks. Amy began to weaken, her face pale from pain.

Amy: "Sonic... Tails... I can't..."

Before she could finish, Amy fainted from pain. Sonic, desperate, held her in his arms.

Sonic: "Amy????"

Eggman, taking advantage of the distraction, escaped in his power of escape.

Eggman: "You may have won this battle, but I will come back!"

The temple began to collapse and the crew had to get out of there quickly, taking Jewel of Destiny and unconscious Amy. Back in the Green Hill Zone, Tails worked tirelessly to try to deactivate the robot spider.

Tails: "I need more time! This technology is different from anything I've ever seen."

Sticky: "We don't have time. We need to find a solution now."

They run away from there as quickly as possible. 

In the Green Hill Zone lab, Sonic was next to the table where Amy was still unconscious, her expression was loaded with frustration and concern. Tails was trying to find a solution to disable the robot spider system, but Sonic was increasingly angry.

Sonic: “This is unacceptable, how did you let this happen? Amy is here, unconscious, and you were more concerned about defeating the egghead than protecting it!"

Tails, surprised by the charge, tried to explain himself while working on the robot spider: “Sonic, we were fighting him and trying to protect everyone. We couldn't predict that she would attack Amy directly."

Sticky, also angry tried to intervene: “Sonic, it is not fair to blame us now. We did our best in a critical situation.”

Sonic, his tone of voice rising, was unwilling to accept excuses: “It’s not a matter of justice! It's a matter of protection. We're a team, and we should've made sure everyone, including Amy, was safe. If the situation were different, she could be fine now!”

Tails stopped for a moment, trying to control his own frustration: “I know it wasn’t ideal, Sonic, but we were dealing with an unexpected threat. I'm doing everything I can to help Amy.”

Sticky put his hand on Sonic's shoulder, trying to calm him down: "Sonic, let's focus on helping Amy now. Fighting between us won't solve anything. We need a solution to get her out of this situation.”

Sonic took a deep breath, trying to calm down when looking at Amy: “This won’t change anything now.”

As Sonic and the others fought, a cold, unexpected voice echoed from the lab: “Don’t talk to them like that.”

Everyone turned, and noticed that Amy's eyes were completely black, a clear sign that something was very wrong. Amy rose up, her expression showing a mixture of anger and sadness, something that was not normal for her.

Sonic, surprised and distressed, took a step forward. “Amy!”

Amy, with tears streaming down her face, displayed an expression of deep pain and anger. “Everything is out of control...”

Tails, trying to stay calm, approached carefully.

Amy shook her head, a mix of anger and sadness in her eyes. 

Sticky, visibly concerned, stepped closer. “Amy, you’re not alone. We’ll find a way to free you from this control.”

As the tension in the lab increased, Amy began to visibly tremble.

While Amy was crying and shaking, she finally lifted her head, and her eyes, which had been black, were now completely white. The change was noticeable to everyone in the room.

Amy, with a weak and broken voice, said, “I can’t… I can’t see… everything is white… it’s like I’m blind…”

Sonic, seeing the change, approached cautiously. “Amy, your eyes… are you coming back to normal?”

Amy replied, “I… don’t know.”

Tails, observing the transformation with hope, said, “This could be a sign that Eggman’s control is weakening. We need to keep doing what we’re doing to ensure she fully recovers.”

Skip time

Tails managed to successfully remove the robotic spider, while Sonic and Sticky watched anxiously. As soon as the spider was removed, Amy seemed to relax for a moment but suddenly, her eyes closed and she fainted again, falling backward.

Sonic, acting quickly, ran to catch her before she hit the ground. He held her carefully, with a worried look, and gently placed her in a safe position.

Sonic, with relief and concern in his voice, said, “The pain must have lessened now.”

Tails, checking Amy’s vital signs, said, “It looks like the pain from the spider has been relieved. She’s just exhausted now; although she still needs rest, she shouldn’t feel any more pain.”

Sonic, still holding Amy’s hand, spoke in a comforting tone.

Amy, even unconscious, appeared more at ease.

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