Ch-12: The Play

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I woke up a little later than usual. This was my fault only. I did not set the alarm. I did this on purpose. It was a winter morning, holidays had begun. So there was no point in waking up early. The weather was very cold. I had no desire to leave my bed. It was only me who was going to need breakfast, so I could make it at my convenience only.
Finally I got the courage to push myself out of the blanket. Immediately I rushed to tge washroom. I could only stand in my room when I came out of the washroom and put on some warm clothes. I looked around. The presence I had expected in my room was not there. I was planning to ask him to make my breakfast and I will eat it sitting on my warm bed. Well, since he was not there, I had to walk to the kitchen. I earnestly wished to see my breakfast served on the table.
I was shocked to see my wish come true. The curtains had been drawn and the dim sunlight fell on my warm breakfast. Two figures were standing there, waiting for me. I reached near my breakfast and stood gaping at it with with wide eyes.
" Mother, we have made it !" , exclaimed Evan, with a bright look in his eyes.
Behind him, was Evana and both were starring at me in excitement to know if I liked my breakfast. They were earnestly waiting for me to taste it. I thought that this breakfast was the cause of the disappearance of that expected presence from our room, hence I asked, " Where is your father ?"
" Father said there is a huge pile of snow in front of our first door. He went to remove it with his spade ", replied Evana.
As she spoke, I examined the chain she was wearing. That same chain, that I had received as a present some forty years ago.
That year was a very special year for me. As I had mentioned earlier, our school organized a Christmas Festival every year. Every year, we had a play. We have had different themes for the play, " Who are we? ", " Humans And Trees", " Mobile Phone And Us ", " Who are we ? ", etc. This year it was, " An important delicate feeling ". In simple terms, love.
Our school had this custom of doing things differently. So even if the theme was ' love ' , it should be done differently. The presentation and the message must be unique. That was the demand of the seniors who called themselves as ' directors ' of the play.
The first work was to write the play. This work started almost as soon as the Christmas Festival ended.
So to set everything as ' different' , we traveled back to the medieval age. No, I in medieval Europe. There was a reason behind it. The reason was that in that age there existed lavish gowns, decorated dresses and so a majestic presentation could be done on the stage, something that would make the play ' different '.
Next, there was no such things as ' carriers ' . So of course, boys and girls cannot say, " I have no intentions of marriage now. I want to focus on my carieer . " So if any thoughts of love came into their minds, they cannot just throw it off saying, " I have no intentions of marriage now. I want to focus on my career. " Thirdly and most importantly, we needed innocent minds, free of complications, which is hard to find in today's world.
So the main plan revolved around two characters, a very young girl with an imaginative mind and a young boy with practical thoughts. That is why the auditions began with girls of around ten to twelve years of age.
In this audition, Xia was there. Wherever there was Xia, I had to be, even though I was supposed to be with the musicians practicing the songs. They came to look for me. I said that I could not afford to miss Xia's audition. So they requested Xia's audition to be held first. Hence, Xia was called up. Before she went, I grabbed her hand and whispered into her ears, " Think you are complaining about Fredrick to me. "
That worked. The line given for the audition was, " Oh, Juliana! He says I can't fight! You know, I can easily defeat him! After all, I am going to be the best Queen the world has ever seen." So Xia did it perfectly by imagininh what I had said. Everyone was stunned. However, they coukd not immediately choose hee because there were other girls who were left to be auditioned. Later on, I heard that Xia was chosen.
When I came out from school after the singing practice, someone called me from behind, " Hey, Ericka! Just come here once!"
I rushed, leaving John, Richard and Xia at the school gate.
" What did you whisper into Xia's ears before she went for her audition? ", I was asked.
I remained silent. I was confused thinking about the answer.
" You know", said Charles, " it was such a wonderful piece of acting! "
I was stunned.
" Come on, Ericka! Say, what did you whisper ? We never expected to get such a perfect piece of acting!" , cried Rose.
" Okay , well.." I hesitated. Then I looked behind me at the school gate. Xia was gone, but John and Richard were waiting for me.
" Okay, come a bit closer, all of you", said I, and all of is came closer to each other. Tgen whatever decision was taken, was only among the few of us present over there for we spoke in the lowest voice that was ever possible for each one of us.

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