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  The siblings fell asleep talking. Alia the early riser woke her siblings up as they had to meet Dr. Sinha for Shraddha's appointment. Aaryan got up but Shraddha didn't want to. She was no longer interested in getting her voice back, which would take so many years. Shraddha covered herself up holding on to the sheet when her siblings tried to pull it off of her.

"Shraddha, it's seven already. We can't be late. I don't want Papa to scold me in the morning. Wake up", Aaryan said shaking her but she still chose to be in bed. "Alia, do whatever you want, I want her to be in the car at seven thirty", he stormed out after changing his clothes. 

Alia sat beside her sister and turned her face so Shraddha could see her. "Shraddha, did you hear what Bhaiyya said? What's wrong?", she asked. 

"I don't want to go. I've lost hope in everything. Please let me sleep Aloo, " she said, closing her eyes and making Alia concerned.

Alia walked out and sat with Aaryan, sharing everything their sister had said. They understood her more than their parents. Maybe she's tired of everything that's been going on, they felt and let her sleep longer. Meena and Sharma joined them at the table for breakfast. It didn't take long for their mother to ruin the day.

"Where is Shraddha?" she asked while serving food for her husband.

"She's sleeping Ma", Alia said looking at Aaryan.

"Sleeping? Doesn't she know she's got an appointment at eight? We can't keep Dr. Sinha waiting. Teach her to be responsible".

"Ma, please. She doesn't want to go, let her sleep for a while", Alia supported her.

"Sleeping like she had a busy day at work or tired because she did all the chores?"

"Meena, can we eat in peace?", Sharma just wanted his mornings to be calm. 

"I know I'm the one ruining the peace in this family and not your sweet daughter. Why can't she be like Aaryan and Alia? Can't she learn from her older siblings? Do we have to tell her everything? What will she do when she gets married? Will she take care of him and his family or will it be them taking care of her? She's not a baby but old enough to do things on her own".

"Ma, stop comparing her with us. All fingers are not the same. She looks after herself always. You know that too and we're pretty sure she will be a good wife to her future husband. You need to stop judging her all the time".

"Listen Alia! You and your brother has spoiled her to the core. That is the only reason why she has been so careless".

"Careless? What do you mean Ma?", Alia was curious.

"She will ruin this family and our name. I don't trust her. I know everyone will be on her side because you believe whatever she says out of sympathy. Being with a man for two days? Isn't that careless? Do you think nothing has happened between them? What if she is carrying his child?", Meena pushed everyone of their limits.

Aaryan threw the plate off the table and rose up shouting at his mother. "Aren't you a woman? Don't you have any shame in accusing your daughter? Oh I forgot, she is not your daughter. Why don't you say it to her that she was a newborn baby you picked up from the doorstep of an orphanage and raised it because Papa, Alia and me were not ready to leave the poor child by herself? Why don't you tell her that you hate her deep inside and is pretending to love her for our sake? Tell her she is not your daughter or just kill her and end it! Ma, we don't want you hurting her again, never, and if we do, I swear to God Ma, it will be over between us". He walked off to his room and so did the others, expecting this would happen one day.

Alia and Aaryan went to Shraddha and saw her asleep, in her room and felt a little relief after knowing she was asleep and hadn't heard the conversation between Meena and her children. They got up and went to Alia's room, both taking a day off from work. The second the door was shut, Shraddha opened her eyes, staring into the void. She pretended to be asleep so her siblings wouldn't feel bad. Shraddha was shattered after knowing she was not their blood and her parents and her siblings was not her own. She made her mind to be happy one last time, to meet all her friends before she made a decision. After an hour, she got up and went to meet her family, extremely happy. 

"Good morning Ma", she embraced Meena from behind, kissing her cheek and pulled her mother to the table. "Morning Papa", she did the same brining him to the table as well. She called her siblings too, kissing them and wishing them good morning, without giving them the slightest doubt that she knew the truth. She ate with a smile, looking at them all. They exchanged conversations pretending nothing happened an hour ago, like everyone was happy. Once done, she texted Vikram, Aditya and Ranbir, asking them to meet at Vikram's place, stating it was urgent that she met them. She pedaled her way to Vikram's house and went in where the three men were waiting for her. She smiled at them. "I wanted to spent time with all of you, thanks for coming", she said with her cute smile.

The men had never seen her this happy before. They were all on the couch, having some coffee.

"Shradds? What's happening?", asked her Jiju.

"Jiju, I don't think Alia will find a better person. Thank you for loving her and please promise me you'll never leave her side. 

"I promise Shradds. Neither will I leave you. I'll be your best friend and big brother", he said.

Shraddha embraced him and looked at Vikram. "My darling best friend of so many years, how can I not be blessed to have someone like you in my life. You were there with me through my ups and downs even when nobody was. You cared for me and you mean so much to me. I love you and please call me baby girl like you always do. I love you", she chuckled.

"I love you too my baby girl", he smiled. "I'm blessed to have you too, because you are special and there's nobody like you", Vikram said, his heart filled with happiness.

"Adi", her eyes moved to his face. "You're a nice man, I still feel bad about being rude to you when me met that day, outside the cafe. I don't know if you love me or not but I'm honestly sorry for hurting you, with all my silly and stupid questions about love. You deserve an angel and I'm sure you'll find one soon. Thank you for being a loving and caring friend". She got up from the couch and embraced Adi and Vikram. 

The exact moment, as she wished, Sidharth called her from a private number, she picked up the call and turned the camera so he could see she wasn't alone. Then she began texting him, "Thank you for being a wonderful host and dropping me back home safely, for not hurting me and for being a sweet friend. I love you and please don't change yourself for anyone. We are on the same boat". By that she meant both of them didn't have a family. "You'll find the love of your life soon and live a happy life".

"Shradds, you're the only person who has loved and cared for me. Your words is something every person would love to hear. I should thank you for being a wonderful friend. I hope and pray our friendship will last forever. Tell your friends I said hi. Guys, I know you will do it but still please be with her".

"Sid, you're the best", she turned pink.

"So are you. Are you okay?" he asked breaking her but she was too good at pretending and nodded a 'yes'. "I called to make sure you are okay. Is there anything  you want to tell me?", he waited and she nodded a 'no', even though she wanted to tell him what she was going through. "Okay, I'll see you, bye and take care", he waved his hand and she waved back at him. 

She ended the call and proceeded to leave waving at her three friends who were like family and stepped out after taking a good look at them before leaving, closing the door behind her. The men exchanged glances wondering why she was being grateful for them out of the blue. She took her cycle and rode of fast disappearing from their sight.


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