Volume 1 - Chapter 6: Morning Race, School Life, The Plan & Future Enemies

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Shiota Nagisa

After what had transpired yesterday, the next day, I woke up early in order to do an early morning workout, along with Karma. Even though we were trained as assassins and super solders before, we still did morning exercises, to improve and sharpen our skills, as well as keep our bodies still healthy.

Coincidentally, we met the Nakano Quints, with only Yotsuba-san still being energetic. The rest of them were quite sleepy, especially Ichika-san who was still sleepwalking.

"Oh, good morning, Shiota-san and Akabane-san!"

"Morning, Yotsuba-san." I greeted back "Are you five here to work out?"

"Oh, yes. I came here to jog with my sisters. Want to join us?"

"Sure, why not?" Karma replied.

We then joined the quints and started to jog 5 laps. After 5 laps, me, Karma, and Yotsuba-san were quite active while the rest of them were exhausted, especially Miku-san who seemed dehydrated.

"Miku-san, are you alright?" I asked worriedly.

"Y-Yes." She said while panting hard "I just need... Water."

"Here." Said me as I handed her a water bottle "Drink after your breathing gets stabilized."

"Th-Thank you..." The brunette girl then drank the bottle. After a minute, she answered "Now I'm fine, thanks Shiota."

"You're welcome."

"Now that I noticed, you guys are very athletic, Akabane-san and Shiota-san." Exclaimed Yotsuba-san while pointing to the two of us "You two didn't even take a breather even after 5 laps in a one km track."

Well, we had been trained as super soldiers and assassins years before, so what can we say about that? But we won't answer that though...

"Well, we usually do exercises like this every morning." I replied "But you seem quite athletic too, Yotsuba-san."

"Hehe, I'm good at sports, you see..." She smiled "Anyway, would you like to have a race with me, Shiota-san?"

Ohhh, a race... Seems interesting... This could be an opportunity for us to see the full extent of Yotsuba-san's physical prowess.

"Sounds good to me. I accept."

We then went towards the starting line and prepared ourselves.

"One lap around the track, the first one to complete the lap around the track wins. Do you agree?" She asked.

"I agree with that."

"You must know this, Shiota-san. I am very confident in my athletic skills. I won't lose. MUAHAHAHA!!!" She laughed.

"Why is Yotsuba laughing like a villain?" Nino-san asked while being dumbfounded.

"This could be interesting..." Ichika-san and Karma said at the same time.

"Although Yotsuba-san had made a wrong choice..." Added Karma, which earned the looks of confusion from the rest of the Quints.

"Huh?" Exclaimed Nino-san in surprise "What do you mean, Akabane? What do you mean about Yotsuba having made a wrong choice?"

"All I can just say is watch the race and see for yourself." Replied Karma.

"Okay, you two." Itsuki-san said "Ready... Get set... Go!!"

With Itsuki-san's words ringing out, we then ran off, with Yotsuba-san leading first. Seems like she decided to conserve her energy instead of wasting her energy unnecessarily at the start. Brilliant move I should say.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31 ⏰

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