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He understood about pride. He was Leo the Lion, after all. Pride was a defining traits of his sign. So when Lucy didn't summon him, when she tried to win her battles on her own, he understood.

He still didn't like it!

The urgent tug in his gut, the instinct to protect her, that drive that was as much a trait of the Lion as his gnawed at him, tormenting. Sensing her pain was like flaming arrows in his heart. He felt an insatiable need to shield her, and a somber understanding to let her fight this battle alone.

He swallowed his pride so she could express hers. When she won, both owner and spirit felt pride that crossed the boundaries of their worlds.

"Good job, Lucy," he whispered.

Like a specter, she heard and looked to the stars. "Thanks, Loke."

Pride: A DrabbleWhere stories live. Discover now