Family Line

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TW: Panic attack/episode

Chloe was at Cinderellasburg catching up with her brother who was back from collage for the day, so Red had the dorm to herself. She finished her last piece of homework before she decided she was exhausted. She got under her red and black covers and snuggled up underneath with this small handkerchief that she kept. She has had it since she was young, she used to remind her of wonderland and it always helped her when she had a panic attack or having an episode. She held it close. She slowly drifted off.

Back in wonderland about 2 years ago, red went out to explore wonderland. This wasn't the first time but she didn't realise how long she had been out for before she noticed it was getting dark. She knew she had to be back before dark that was one of her mother's top rules. By the time Red arrived back at the castle it was dark. She knew her mother would be waiting for her so she went straight to her room in hopes her mother wouldn't notice. how she was wrong. No sooner did she walk into her room she was met with the look of anger and rage from her mother. "and where do you think you have you been" Red panicked and replied "I went for.. for a walk" she stammered. She knew her mother had a rule about being out after dark but there was one rule she forgot: she has to ask her mother permission before she goes anywhere. The queen backed Red into a wall whilst holding Red's wrists as tight as possible. "what is my one rule?" Red was shaking and scared "don't be out after dark?" she questioned. The queen became infuriated. She dug her nails into red's skin. Red was holding back her tears as she felt the blood dripping down her arm "NO!" the queen spat. Red couldn't move. She was paralysed. "You MUST ask me before you go anywhere. I will then decide weather you can go or not. I had chores for you to do. Now look at you. You're such a disappointment! How dare you defy my rules?" Red tried to apologise however before she could open the queen just spat "don't bother with your pathetic apology" The queen let go and practically threw Red to the ground. Red struggles to breath. The last thing she sees before her vision goes black was her mother looking down on her with a smirk.

Chloe, her footsteps light against the worn dormitory floor, clutched two steaming cups of coffee. The barista's cheerful "Have a great day!" echoed in her mind as she approached their room. Chloe's new roommate, Red, had been a mystery—a girl with crimson hair and an air of enchantment. Wonderland seemed to cling to her like dew on morning petals. Pushing the door open, Chloe's gaze fell upon Red, cocooned in sleep. The room was a cozy chaos of mismatched blankets and half-unpacked boxes. Chloe tiptoed to Red's side, placing one of the cups on the nightstand. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the faint scent of pine and adventure.

Red's face, framed by unruly curls, held a serenity Chloe hadn't seen in anyone else. The handkerchief peeking out from Red's hand was a delicate touch—a fragment of wonder stitched into the fabric of reality. Chloe wondered what stories it held, what secrets whispered through its threads. She sat on the edge of her own bed, watching over Red. The girl's lips curved in a dream-kissed smile, and Chloe's heart fluttered. How had they ended up as roommates? Fate, perhaps, or a twist in the cosmic tale. Minutes stretched into moments, and Chloe's admiration deepened. Red's eyelids fluttered, and Chloe leaned closer. "Red?" she whispered, her voice a gentle breeze. But Red remained lost in slumber, her breath lowly becoming unsteady. Concern crept in. Chloe nudged Red's shoulder, then shook her gently. "Red? Wake up." Still, no response. Panic edged Chloe's thoughts. She'd heard of deep sleepers, but this felt different. Red's chest rose and fell rapidly, yet her consciousness remained elusive.

Chloe hesitated, torn between urgency and patience. She couldn't force Red awake; that would be intrusive. Instead, she sat back, her eyes never leaving the girl. "You'll wake up," Chloe murmured, as if her words could weave a spell. She gave the sleeping girl a very gentle kiss on the forehead careful not to wake her. And then, as dawn's first light brushed the room, Red's eyes snapped open. Panic etched her features, and she gasped for air. Chloe reached out, trying to steadying her. "Breathe," she urged. "You're safe." Red's distress consumed her, pulling her into a dark vortex. Chloe watched, torn between wanting to help and fearing that any intervention might shatter Red further. The room seemed to close in, its walls pressing against Chloe's chest. Red retreated to the corner, her body curling inward like a fragile leaf. Her mutterings—repetitive, desperate—filled the air. "I'm sorry," she whispered, the words a fragile mantra. "No... no..." Chloe's heart clenched. She'd seen vulnerability before, but this was raw, unfiltered pain. Red's eyes were distant, lost in some internal tempest. Chloe wondered what haunted her, what memories clawed at her soul. Sitting on the edge of Red's bed, Chloe kept her distance.

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