S2 E:1 alastor Return.

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There's not coming to the real show and all the characters are like 28-59-10000000000 all but there is one Character that is 10 and 26 years old at the same time and that Character is my oc Please enjoy.

(After the battle with the angels, the alastor was badly hurt he went back to his home)

"I'm home." said alastor as he opened the door and went through and sat on the couch

"alastor, you're home, *i saw he was in pain.* But are you ok?" ??? Ask

"Yes, i am. I just need to rest." said alastor

"Ok, but let me know if you need anything." Said ???

(Meanwhile with charlie and the other)

"charlie, are you still worried about alastor?" asked vaggie

"Ya, I don't know if he's alive or dead." Said charlie

"Well, if he's alive, he probably went to his home." Said rosie

"What Where is that? Can you take us there?" charlie asks

"Sure, darling." Said rosie as she took vaggie and charlie to alastor home they walk to alastor home. It took them 30 minutes, then they got there, and they knocked on the alastor door

"Hi rosie and Friends, I assume." Said ???

"Yes, Darling. Is alastor home?" Said rosie

"Yes, his home, but he's very wounded right now. He needs to rest." Said ???

"Can we see him?" charlie asks

"Ummm, hey, alastor." said ???

"Ya." said alastor

"The princess of hell. Came to see you. Should I let them in?" ??? Ask

"Sure." said alastor

They all walk to alastor

"It's so good to know you're alive." Said charlie

"Ya." said vaggie

"Thank you." said alastor

"So, how are you feeling?" ??? Ask

"I'm feeling better." Said alastor

"Oh, I must have forgotten. What's your name, little one?" Said vaggie

"Oh, right? I forgot to introduce myself. I am Shimmer." said Shimmer

"That's a beautiful name, but what are you doing down here?" charlie asks

"And why are you with him. You're a human." Said vaggie

"Don't worry about that." Said alastor as he walked over to vaggie

"I'm so glad that you're able to walk now." Said Shimmer

"Yeah, anyway, I'm planning to head back to the hotel. Do you wanna come with me? If you want to." alastor, ask

"Ummm, sure." said Shimmer

(They walk to the hotel)

To be continued

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