chapter 11

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(Meanwhile, at heaven)

"Sso, where is my egg boysss?" angle sir pentious ask

"I am sorry you're what?" Sera, ask

"Egg boyss my Minions I died, and some of them hass died. Where are they?" Said angle sir pentious

"Oh, will your minions are not technically really human souls. Or dead souls, they are down there. They're more linked to that realm, so they can not come up here. Minions." Said emily

"Oh, ok." Said sir pentious

"So you are a siner. It has been redeemed." Said sera

"Yesss, but I misss my egg boyss and Charlotte Boom, I hope my sacrifice helpsss my friendss." Said sir pentious

"What you sacrifice yourself to protect your friends." Said sera

"Yessss, I wanted to protect those I care about." Said sir pentious

"Maybe you guys can be routine. Maybe I shouldn't let Adam continue the exterminator." Said sera

"Hey, Sera adam is de-- wait what the f#$# why is that snake here?" Lute, ask

"Oh He is the first sinner that's been redeemed." Said emily

"What!?!?" Said lute

"Ya, this shows sinner can be redeemed." Said emily

"Yes, so some sinner can be redeemed." Said sera

"..'Oh great, a sinner has been redeemed.' Well, adam was killed." Said lute

"What!?" Said sera

"We need to kill every sinner." Said lute

"No." Said sera

"What?" Said lute

"No, I shouldn't have listened to you and adam. When god returns from his break, we will have a meeting." Said sera

"..*i go to the beach.*.." said lute

"emily I am sorry for everything." Said sera

To be continued

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