10- Joseph's house.

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Sitting in English I tap my feet, sighing. The open window blowing air at me, some loose strands of hair flowing, and sticking to my lips, ugh. Huffing, I lean forward, ready to sleep-Gosh, this was boring!

"Do any two people want to leave these books up to Biology?" Mrs Couret asks, a slight beg in her voice.

Looking around now, no one raises their hands, well no one except Felbec. Everyone awkwardly glances around at one another, the biology room was furthest away, no one wanted to go. Just as I was about to set my head down again, a thought hit me. I did need to make other friends, my only friend was Annick-Simone and Michèle too I guess? Sitting up, I raise a hand.

"Oh okay! Enikő and Felbec, you two can go!" Mrs Couret smiles at us, handing each of us a set of books.

Exiting the classroom, a voice snaps me out of thought.

"Why'd you choose to go?" Felbec breaks the one second of peace.

"Just...Bored I guess? I don't know. Why?" I tilt my head, raising a brow at him.

"I was only wondering, you don't seem to keen on really working. Even though I know you're smart."

"Me, smart? How would you know?" My eyebrows furrow in defensiveness.

"I see your test results, they're always perfect. Even Madame Giraud isn't afraid to give you a 100%, which is quite shocking." Felbec admits, sheepishly.

Walking through the corridor, not even a quarter of the way there, my feet slam against the echoing floor. Silently, I walk on.

"I guess I'm good. I just don't care for school. My dream is to be a model." Saying it out loud made me cringe a bit, but Felbec didn't care.

"Oh, I guess that makes sense... Do you have any siblings?" Felbec asked, his voice small.

"Two older brothers, and one sister. They don't live with me though. You?" I answer honestly, staring into his eyes.

"A little sister, she's a nightmare. 13." He says with a slight laugh.

"Haha, you know, I never took you the type to be an older brother." My voice breathy as I laugh.

"Well, Pichon is a master at that. Do you know how many sisters he has?" Felbec questions me.

"No, how many?" My brow raises once again.


"Jesus, seriously?!" My voice nearly cracks as I push open a door for the both of us. We're not even half way there yet.

"Yeah, how he deals? I don't know." Felbec just makes a scared face.

"Hey. This is going to sound weird but like, do you want to be friends? I'm trying to get more." My hands shake as I ask, I feel so awkward.

"Of course, I'd have to keep you away from Applebaum though, you know how weird he gets." Felbec jokes in return.

"Trust me, I know..." I sigh, finally we make it to the biology room.

Entering in, I set the books down, as does Felbec. Walking back to English, we talk the whole way, finding some things in common, others not so much. Felbec pushes open the English door, it's soon to be home time anyway. Walking in, I notice Joseph giving me an eye brow raised look. I roll my eyes.

"God, were you two making out?" Dupin jokes.

"God, always the jester, aren't you?" I laugh back as I grab my bag-the bell ringing.

Walking out of the entrance,Annick going on ahead as she has to help her mom with something, a hand grabs me.

"Enikő, wait." A husky voice interrupts my silence.

Oh God, how I hate him | JOSEPH DESCAMPSWhere stories live. Discover now