2 | Dirty Blonde

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Fucking her tight little pussy, fucking hard as she screams my name in pleasure was astonishing. Watching her ass beneath me jiggle with every hit.

Fuck me.

I keep the fast paste going not stopping for a second, "you like that?" I ask as she continues to moan. I've watched every single one of her videos a minimum of three times.

Now we're making our own. It turns me on so fucking much knowing we're fucking on video and for the first time it's me, not some other fucking guy.

It turns me on so fucking much that I will be watching this when she's gone to get me off until the next time I can fuck her again.

As I pound into her for the millionth time I feel myself about to bust and feel out of control. "Spank me." She begs, I spank her twice on each cheek obsessed with how much she loves it.

I pound into her so hard her elbows fall and she breaks down her balance and lays on the bed as her legs shake and her orgasm begins.

She's moaning in screams as she grips the bed sheets as I continue to pound into her until I also get my release, it's even hotter watching her moan so loudly as she lays on her stomach as I fuck her so hard and watch her red ass.

Finally, the high comes to me and I let out the loudest groan without being able to control myself and fall onto my elbows on top of her, careful not to crush her as I pound hard and fast into her as I come.

I bite her neck to suppress my pleasure noises and she lays her head down coming down from her high, exhausted as fuck.

I keep pushing her into the mattress finishing my release and feeling almost spent on how much cum came out of me.

Fuck. That's gonna be a great video to watch.

"You feeling one more round?" I pray she says yes, I'm so spent I don't even think I can even produce anymore cum but I find my hips already grinding into her as if I can't get enough.

Because I fucking can't. It's almost an addiction at this point.

"You're crazy." She laughs, "I can't go hard again, I can't even move, you'll have to fuck me as soft as you can as I lay here then." She laughed again thinking I'd say no to that.

And so I take her offer up and start fucking her slowly as she still lays beneath me and I lay on top of her.

She's going to be the end of me I think to myself as I keep fucking her.

Groans wake me up, it isn't until I realize my hips are grinding on a pillow in my bed that I realize it's me moaning.

Fuck. I had another fucking dream of her.

But then I hear her moans.

I immediately have to force myself to stop grinding on my pillow like a horny teenager to see where it's coming from.

It's then when I feel I did something right, moving out of my parents despite their protest. Because I look to my right and I see my computer open to Alyanna and some fucking dude, fucking on the floor of some bedroom in a porno.

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