Chapter 22: Echoes of Chaos

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Good morning guys....

I’m sorry I didn’t update for so long...

I been busy...

Well hear we go.

In the aftermath of the epic battle between Leo, Luna, Vale, Frostbane, Starlight, Blaze, and Malakai, the mountain of Ascendant's Peak bore witness to the scars of conflict and the lingering echoes of chaos. The air was laden with tension and the remnants of power unleashed in the clash of light and darkness.

As the 7 deadly sins arrived on the mountain, their eyes beheld a scene of devastation and ruin. The once serene training grounds were now marred by the aftermath of the fierce confrontation, a silent testament to the clash of wills that had transpired.

The 7 deadly sins surveyed the desolation before them, unable to discern the exact events that had unfolded but sensing the lingering presence of intense power and conflict. They swiftly reported their findings to the King, detailing the chaos and the aftermath of the war they had stumbled upon.

Back in the shadows of the King's palace, a thunderous rage overtook the monarch as he learned of the failed mission to capture the heroes and the disruptive chaos that had ensued. His fury knew no bounds as he issued a decree in response to the defiance of the six heroes who had evaded his grasp.

The King's voice reverberated with anger and vengeance as he declared a staggering bounty on the heads of the heroes.

King: (Roaring with fury) "5000000 for each head of the six who dared to challenge my authority! Except for Leo – his head is worth 10000000. They shall pay for their defiance, and no corner shall shelter them from the wrath of the crown!"

The ominous proclamation hung heavy in the air, a dark shroud cast over the realm of Eldoria as the King's decree set the stage for a new chapter of conflict and pursuit. The heroes, now scattered and facing the weight of bounties on their heads, found themselves in a dire situation as the shadows of the King's vengeance loomed large over their fate.

As Malakai stood amidst the aftermath of the intense battle between his brother and their friends, wounds from the clash marring his once formidable presence, a mix of emotions welled up within him. Conflict raged within his heart, torn between loyalty to his brother and the realization of the devastation wrought upon them all in the pursuit of power.

Grimacing in pain and reflection, Malakai's voice cut through the tense silence, a mix of regret and determination lacing his words.

Malakai: (Voice tinged with conflict) "The price of power 3 Period the cost of allegiance 3 Period it all weighs heavily on us 3 Period on me."

Just as the words left his lips, a chilling sensation crept over Malakai, causing him to pause mid-sentence. His gaze shifted, and to his astonishment, he found himself surrounded by seven ominous shadows, their presence casting a foreboding air over the wounded warrior.

The shadows, silent and imposing, seemed to pulsate with an otherworldly energy, their forms indistinct yet undeniably menacing as they encircled Malakai. The air grew heavy with anticipation, the tension palpable as Malakai stood, wounded but defiant, awaiting the ominous revelation that the seven shadows promised.

With the boundaries between light and darkness blurred, and the fate of Eldoria hanging in the balance, the encounter between Malakai and the enigmatic figures ushered in a new chapter of uncertainty and intrigue, where loyalties were tested, alliances questioned, and the shadows of destiny loomed large over the realm.

End of this part...
See you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23 ⏰

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