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Location: Musutafu, Japan
Date: May 14th
Time- 4:30 P.M.

It had been some time since the school day had ended for many of the students. Evening was soon approaching as the atmosphere was filled with the sounds of students spending time with each other. Some walking back to their homes, others just hanging out and waiting for others. That is all, but one.

A young boy sat in an empty classroom. The gaze of his emerald green eyes lingered on the window and the sight of the outside. His eyes focused on the others as they enjoyed themselves.

The silence of the room was interrupted as the sound of the door opening to the classroom. The young boy turned his attention towards the man who had entered. The sound of the man's steps filled the room until he made his way towards the desk. After pulling out the chair and seating himself, he rested his arms on the desk.

"So, Ohshima Yuji." The man said as he took in a deep breath. "This isn't our first time having to speak like this."

Yuji nodded as he lowered in gaze towards his desk. The man would notice the reaction of the young anthropomorphic boy. Yuji's ears had lowered as well.

"Please, Yuji. If you can keep your eyes on me."

Young Yuji sighed as he slowly raised his head up and looked over towards the man.

"Sorry, Principal." Yuji uttered.

"That's alright. But we need to have this conversation again. I understand that you had gotten into a bit of a scuffle with another student."

The principal soon lifted a sheet of paper off the desk and inspected it. On it, we're details of the student's previous run-ins.

"You have a bad habit of getting into some fights on school grounds. This isn't a good look on us, especially you, Mr. Yuji."

"I understand, sir." Yuji added as he gave a light nod. As he nodded, his blue, spiky hair shook. The principal took another deep breath as he leaned forward in his seat.

"But this time, it was different. I heard you had protected a first year student."

"Yes, sir. Another student was picking on him, and I had to do something."

The principal nodded he listened intently.

"That I understand, but to almost cause injury to that student. I just couldn't allow that." The principal spoke as he kept his focus on him. "I understand that you want to act like it's the Pro-Hero scene, but this isn't how you do so. Heroes don't cause harm, intentionally."

"I- I didn't mean to take it far! He needed help, and that bully wouldn't stop!" Yuji retorted as he stood up.

After realizing his sudden outburst, he quickly sat back down and apologized. He lowered his head towards the desk again as a sense of shame showered him.

"And he is facing the consequences of that. You should have de-escalated this and got the student away." The principal replied. "But, I'll admit, your performance was good. Just like a Pro-Hero."

The principal let a small smile form on his face. Yuji looked back up at the principal as a small look of surprise appeared on the anthropomorphic hedgehog's face. Soon enough, a small smile formed as well

"Thank you, sir."

"You're welcome. And I know you wanted to become a Pro-Hero since you've been at this school. You mentioned something about wanting to go to U.A. after here, correct."

"More than anything, sir." Yuji nodded. "I've wanted to go there for years, but many people say it isn't easy."

"So I've heard." The principal nodded as he stood from his desk. "Listen, and listen carefully. I have a proposition for you, Mr. Yuji."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25 ⏰

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