💓Sofia Carson Evolution (Evie, Cassie Salazar) 💓

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💓Sofia Carson Evolution (Evie, Cassie Salazar) 💓

I've been following Sofia Carson since the beginning of her career!💓💛💓💛💓💛💓

I've heard every single song 🎧 she's written or featured on, including old and new / and unreleased.💓

I've seen and watched every single movie she's in and every single tv show she's starred in.💓

I'm a LONGTIME Sofia Carson STAN / Carsonator - 2014-15 fangirl!💓💓💓💓💓💓

I will always LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE U Sofia!💓💓💓💓💓

Sofia, l 💋 YOOOOOOU!💋Where stories live. Discover now