Chapter 7: No Time Like Now.

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Chapter 7: No Time Like Now

Time skip to a few days later..

The five were all hanging out at a convenience store because they were hungry as hell. Rick was having his millionth rant about his weight, but Sario could care less about that. He was so focused on his own feelings for Wanda, wondering if he should go for her or not - it was all so complicated for him, he couldn't decide on which he should follow.

Did he like her? Did she like him? These were the questions that haunted his mind, swirling around with a persistence that left him unable to focus on anything else. Each time he saw her smile or heard her laugh, a thousand possibilities and uncertainties would flood his thoughts. He couldn't escape the constant whirlpool of doubt and insecurity that gnawed at him. Was this the painful experience of love? Sario has asked Elnio about love many times before, but the brunette boy would just tell him:

"Love is complicated - you can't just explain it,"

"It's a hard feeling that no one, not even the coldest person on earth could avoid. Once you have got the opportunity to feel love in your life, you'll want it more and more, it could often times possible lead to something worse like an obsession for love."

"Love is a drug - everyone is addicted to it even if it could harm you. You'll still want it because.. it makes you feel good, even better."

January 26th, 2019.

"What!? That doesn't even make sense, Elnio." Sario argued, the black-haired boy obviously not getting the point.

"You just don't understand the feeling yet, once you do, you'll have an idea why I consider it as a drug." Elnio responded, not intending to start an argument with the other boy.

"You'll feel what *real* is love eventually, Sario, and I'll be there for you every step of the way."


A deep sigh escapes Sario's lips.

"Love is a drug, huh?" He muttered under his breath, he still didn't understand fully about it, his fingers traced along the corners of his juice box.

Honestly, things would've been easier if he could just tell Elnio about it, he knows exactly what to say about his problems and is very understanding, but this was different because he was actually falling in love with her! His brain couldn't handle this stress he felt with his own feelings - wishing he didn't feel that way for some girl.

Meanwhile on the other hand..

- -

"And then Cel had the whole audacity to call me fat, like so not true, your boy is just big-boned!" Rick slid his hands up and down his body to indicate he wasn't fat like Cel said he was.

"Honestly, Rick, you're not convincing anyone - give it up already." Elnio yawns, his hand covering his mouth while doing so.

Kern and Brunio both broke into laughter from Elnio's comeback, finding it pretty hilarious. "Good one, Elnio!" Kern says, the two exchanging a friendly fist bump.

Rick couldn't believe that his two best friends, Kern and Brunio, were laughing at his face. "You're not gonna defend me, my sweet cutie pies?" He asks playfully.

The room was silent, the only thing that was making any sort of noise was the crickets Rick swore he could hear in his head.

"Ew, don't you dare even call me or Brunio that crap," he replied, making a disgusted face towards the brown-haired boy. "That was absolutely the cringiest thing I've ever heard from you, Rick. Don't say that shit again to me or Brunio.."

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