About a middle school girl that fell in love with a boy that her pookie bear kat, showed her. Read the story to follow MY life so far and ill be adding(maybe) when more happens.
yes, this story IS based on my life snd the stuff i have gone through...
its the start of the year of 7th grade and our protagonist, mira, is reading the lips of her freind kat from the other side of the gym.
teacher->ms bakus "class go ahead and talk for a while, while we get the warmups ready." -- everyone got up from there spots and ran over to their freinds talking away and yapping about what they did today. the popular girls and the popular guys, a gient group. no one outstands them, people look up to them. and lots hate them. they want the gather of glory and popularity. -- mira i dont, i perfer to stay right where im at. i wouldent like to be populsr ever again, to much drama, your freinds not being loyal, feeling weak, being left out because the freind groups so damn big. so many more things. i used to be popular. i used to dste a lot of men, and women. that brought back bad memorys. -- mira looked up and saw kat heading her way. Kat was smile big like she always did. she was like the sun, to mira at least. she thought she was so gorgeous, and pretty...eveything about her. she was perfect to mira because she was miras only freind. at the time at least.
mira felt like she wouldent be getting to many freinds during the school year. especially this one. all the freinds she used to have left, all to popular. they left mira behind they went to fast for her.
kat "MONTYYYYY what class u have next?? i have science room 5 like always ill skip class to see you!" -- mira "eehhnn oh uh i have LA next- room 18. i think i might be able to skip to if mrs' bolander dosent care so much." -- mira said in a very settle voice looking down and her legs playing with a random peice of string she found on the ground
Mira looked at the person in front of her. he had medium long brown hair she studied him. Kat looked down at mira still sitting while she was standing and looked at the guy she was looking at she giggled to herself -- Mrs bakus "ok kids sit down and psy attention where gonna be doing basketball or walk n talk outside! the bleachers are walk n talk and sit near me for basketball." -- bakus said in a encouraging voice and bright....bright...smile at everyone
kat looked over at mira and smiled and did a little walking motion and a weird dance mira couldent help but laugh. the guy in front of mira looked over at kat and they started talking to eachother kst then looked over at mira and smiled st her doing more weird stuff roan looked behind him and mira got a good look at his sharp face shape.
a curved dorsal...roaman, aquilline, hump nose. and long eyelashes with his...microdontia(big front teeth) teeth. dark byt light beutiful brown eyes. Definitely not miras preference, but he was pretty as hell. he looked at mira weird and gave her s crazy side eye -- roan "euhhh your so emo bro" -- he said fully turning around mira dident exapect any less, she was dressed in all black and was emo. but Mira learned his personality quick. hes cocky and thinks hes funny but mira feels like hes a real nerd. he looks like one. while mira was thinking that roan was lokking at her weird and making jokes. mira was trying to be serious the whole time but broke snd laughed at one of his dumb jokes.
mira felt like he would be a good freind in the future
when they finaly went out for walk n talk and round near the front of the school mira was walking with kat and she was talking about her new boyfreind 'justin' mira dident like justin.
Side charecter Justin, or in other matters. a dick.
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mira looked behind them, what a coincidence, there he is. the man himself -- mira justin. with his little hentchmen...uhhnn whats his name?... glory who even cares. -- Justin came up and hit kat on the back of the head being harsh with her like usual. -- mira they havent even been dating for that long. how could he treat her that way? disrespectful. -- justin took kat from mira and was yapping to her about how amazing he was or somthing stupid. at that point mira dident even care, she dident care about anyone in the school. except kat. but at the minute, with justin distracting kat, monty felt like she was back in 6th grade. no freinds, getting bullied, sitting alone at lunch, back at the deepest state of her life. she looked over and saw 'roan.' he was with his freinds. mira dident know sny of them...... monty looked up and catched up with kat who was slightly looking back ar her to see if mira was ok with justin. Kat could tell she wasent. but justin was still yammerin and kat wanted to stay listening. so she did.
mira dident mind. justins little slave was annoying her though. he was looking all freaky like. he has glasses and he was all derpy and idiotic looking. mira found it funny how weird he looks. when mira looked over at him though, he was gone. monty looked around and saw him way wayy behind them and getting charged up for somthing weird. monty disided to distance herself from justin cuz she knew what would happen justins slave worker came running up and hit justin on the back making a imidiate run. justin chased after him.
mira turned the corner of the block and saw them running fastt. monty knew these next 2 years....are gonna be a long....longggg couple of years. ------------------------------------------------------------------ AUTHORS NOTE if you read all of this TBANK YOU🙏🙏🙏 Ive been wanted to publish storys like this for a hell long time and've been wrighting srorys down making my own topics SINCE 5😭😭😭. and i know i suck ar wrighting ajd describing things also how bad my grammar is but still, i love wrighting. sorry if this was confusing but dont be upset about it ill try to improve😭