Part One

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I always loved shiny things. Jewelry, coins, even a finely polished set of silverware would catch my attention. My father says I get that from my mom. My father is a sailor, well, and a wizard but he's spent his whole adult life on the sea. That's where he met my mother. He was sailing the world and one day came across a beautiful woman sun bathing naked on a beach, all by herself. He instantly fell in love with her he said.

I don't believe in love at first sight. I don't believe in love in general. You give your heart, body and soul to someone and they destroy you with it. Leave you nothing but an empty, hallow shell. The way my mother left my dad and I. I was only a baby though, so it didn't affect me as much as it affected my father. That's why I know love isn't real. After that, my father gave up sailing and we made the long journey back to his old home in London.

I found myself staring into space as I played with my long golden hair that I had braided down my back with a few loose curls falling out and framing my face. I was wearing a white button shirt with a gray sweater and a black skirt that landed above my knees. I had on white socks and black shoes accompanied by a long black robe. I was so used to wearing my long skirts and loose tank tops that this felt stuffy and tight. I pulled at the hem of my skirt as a large brown door opened, revealing a large room. I first noticed the ceiling, it was adorned with candles floating by themselves, bobbing and dancing, illuminating the room perfectly. Then my gaze fell on four long brown tables stuffed shoulder to shoulder with students, all glaring at me. My attention was caught by the head master, dumbledor, who was motioning for me to head up to the stage he was standing on at the front of the room, so I did. I stood next to him looking out at the sea of faces staring back at me as the head master introduced me.

"Good evening!" His voice boomed through the room, echoing off walls so loud the people in the back of the room could hear him perfectly, causing everyone to fall silent. "Settle down students. We have a new student starting today. Her father attended here when he was young but he sailed the world when he left and now has come home and enrolled his daughter here, at Hogwarts. This is Juniper moon." He smiled down at me and nodded.

I looked out at all the students, some my age, some younger, and I felt important, royal even, like I was their queen and they were waiting for my orders. I smiled and nodded then looked back up at the head master.

"It's time to sort her!" He lifted his arm and motioned for someone.

An old, grungy looking man came trotting in. His long greasy hair flopping behind his shoulders and his black teeth chattering as he mumbled to himself. He brought forth a large, black witches hat. Head master gestured for me to take a seat on a stool in the center of the stage. I stepped forward and took a seat as he placed the hat gently on my head. I could feel as it breathed itself to life. My father talked a lot about this school and his time here so I knew what to expect. I knew a lot about this place.

My head rolled from one side to the other as the hat mumbled and groaned, thinking of where to place me. My father was a hufflepuff and he said if my mother ever attended Hogwarts, she would be a slytherin, in all the best ways. He hoped I was a gryffindor, or even a hufflepuff like him, but I secretly hoped I was a..

"SLYTHERIN!" The hat shouted, and a sweet smile crept across my face.

A table cheered loud and I could tell from their green ties and scarfs they were my new family while I was here. As the head master removed the hat and gave a speech about welcoming me, I scanned the table. Everyone there seemed high strung or high standards. The girls had their noses in the air while the boys all had smirks painted on their faces, almost like it was permanent. My eyes fell on one boy in particular. He had platinum blonde hair, a brighter version of my own golden curls, he also has bright gray eyes with specs of sea blue in them, a color I knew all too well. His skin was pale but not sickly, more angelic and glowing. He also had bright pink lips that were full and plump and also not in a smirk like the others. He had a look of boredom, apathy and exhaustion on his face. I found it hard to take my eyes off of him even though he barely noticed me, but my attention was ripped away when the head master excused me off stage to take a seat. I smiled at him and nodded and made my way to the table.

I kept my chin up, nose high and scanned the bench, looking for an opening, when I saw a boy who was waving me over. I headed his way and he slid over to make room for me next to him. I smiled and sat down as he stuck his hand out to introduce himself.

"Hi! My names Blaise. Blaise Zabini!" He softly smiled.

"Hello!" I nodded, taking his hand and shaking it. "Nice to meet you."

As the night went on, all kinds of people introduced themselves to me. I met a few girls, whose names I didn't bother to remember. I met a few.. interesting boys, one who tried to share his sweets with me, I met Blaise but the blonde haired boy never even looked my way, which was what kept my attention all night.

Dinner ended and a girl named pansy took it upon herself to give me the tour to the Slytherin common rooms. Once we walked in my eyes grew large as I noticed the large glasss windows that stared out at a dark green lake. Pansy noticed me staring at it and giggled.

"I guess you will feel right at home. So you've lived on a boat your whole life?" She asked, fake excitement dripping from her lips.

"Yes! I was born on my dad's ship and I lived on it my whole life until we moved here. It's a big change but I'm so excited to experience it." I spoke gently, folding my hands behind my back.

"Sheesh fish girl, lighten up."

I turned my attention to the blonde boy who was slouched against a wall in the corner of the room closest to a fire place. His hands were deep in his pockets and his foot was hiked up on the wall while his head hung low.

"Oh Draco. Shove off." Blaise said, taking a spot between Pansy and I. "Sorry about him. That's Draco Malfoy and he doesn't have a single kind bone in his body."


"Nice to meet you Draco. I'm juniper!" I smiled.

"I know. Headmaster introduced you." He scoffed.

"I know but it seemed like you were lost in thought at dinner so I wasn't sure if you heard? What was so troubling? Are your studies too hard for you? I'm excellent in all courses if you need a Tudor!" I innocently smiled, blinking my long dark eye lashes over my large, bright green eyes.

Blaise let out a chuckle and Pansy gawked. Draco rolled his eyes and pushed off the wall, storming out of the room.

"I didn't mean to offend him." I smirked.

"Nah he will be fine." Blaise waved his hand, dismissing Draco's attitude.

"Follow me! I'll take you to our room! The girls dorm is opposite of the boys. Your trunks are already inside!" Pansy explained, taking my hand.

I obliged and let her lead me up the stairs and to our room. There were three beds inside. Mine, pansys and an empty bed.

"I've been sleeping alone for awhile but now you're here and we're roommates!" She cheered.

I smiled and nodded and made my way to my trunks, opening them and pulling a few things out. I pulled out a photo of my dad and I and set it on a small brown table next to my bed. I also pulled out a large shell and placed it next to the photo. Pansy watched, admiring the shell as I set it down.

"You can hear the ocean through it." I smiled, my eyes staring down at the shell.

"Really?" Pansy breathed.

I picked the shell back up and carefully handed it to Pansy. I motioned for her to hold it to her ear and she did and I smirked as I watched her eyes grow large. She quickly pulled it away from her ear and handed it back to me.

"It almost sounded like a woman was... singing... my name." She stuttered, fumbling over her words.

"That's the sound of the waves calling to you. Beautiful isn't it?" I smiled.

Pansys confusion instantly drained from her face and was replaced with awe.

"We're going to be great friends!" She exclaimed, bouncing on to her bed.

"I would love that!" I smile.

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