The secrets we keep

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We used to be best friends—keyword: Used. I don't know what happened or where it went wrong. One day we were talking like we normally were and the next day, he acted like I was nothing to him. It was like I didn't even know him, like he was a completely different person. Well, that was a while ago, by a while ago, I mean when I was 14 and he was 17. I just thought it was because he was growing up and didn't want to be friends with a 14-year-old but I realized that wasn't the case when he started hanging out with a 14-year-old boy. He was always a bright soul, he laughed, he smiled, and he would open the door for people. Now he wears dark clothes, he never laughs at all, I've not seen him smile since that last day, and I think he'd rather kill than open doors for people. I'm now 18 and he's 21 and he loves to make my life a living hell. Deep down I believe that there's a part of him still in my soul, deeply embedded. The way he looks at me sometimes, I believe that he is the same. I would never let anyone know that though. That is a secret that will go to the grave with me. Everyone in this town hates Sterling, everyone but me. I believe he's misunderstood, but hey, maybe they know something that I don't. A voice interrupts my thoughts, "In Lala Land again Piccola?" I know that voice, it's Sterling. 


For such a pretty girl, she's so naive. It's not like I wanted to stop being friends with her, I did it to protect her, but she just had to start something, didn't she? She has never known how to not butt in on other people's lives. The reason that I need to protect her is because I'm in a gang. I can't let her get involved in that stuff. They'd come after her so fast and she's so innocent. She'd just let them do it. That's why I have to hate her, and yes, there have been some things in the past years that have made us big enemies and I don't feel the same towards her as I used to. I guess growing distant can cause that. Or the fact that for the first year, she would never shut up and kept asking what had happened with me. Yeah, that grew some hatred towards her. Especially when she got my fucking parents involved. Saying she was "worried about me", she's always been the brightest person, trying to see the ultimate best in people. It makes me sick sometimes, she just lets people walk over her. She's gotta learn one day that she's not gonna survive the real world if she doesn't stop messing around. You don't earn things just by being nice and sweet. Although, that sweet personality makes me want to melt on the inside sometimes. She can never know that though, we've already declared each other as enemies. You can't go back after that, right? That's a secret I'll take to my grave. It's quite hard to stay away from her. Especially when she looks like that. Her beautiful chestnut hair, the permanent blush on her face, those blue eyes that make you feel like you're looking at the sea every time you look into them, round pink lips that couldn't be more perfect, and that button nose. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Who the hell is humming that song? Of course, it's her, Eloise. "In Lala land again piccola?" I ask trying to tease her. "At least I can think with my mind every time and not something else!" She answers with a smug look on her face that says 'Oh man that'll get him right there'. "Cause I'm pretty sure you think with it every night. Please tell your playthings to stop saying atrocious things. It's getting a little old." She says with pure disgust on her face. Yes, I have tons of girls crawling towards me and I'll take whatever they can give. I'm a man, I have desires. "Chill out El, wish it was you huh?" I tease with a smirk on my face. "In your dreams!" She answers with an almost offended look, like she didn't want to be seen as a girl who would crawl towards men. Honking interrupts our lovely 'conversation'. "Well, Piccola, gotta bounce, don't think too hard or your brain might explode!" I tease again, hoping to rile her up.  "Like I care what you think!" She yells in the distance as I'm already walking towards my friend's car. Again, it's quite hard to stay away from her, I just love teasing her. 

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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