Chapter 1 A 'Happy' Family

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This story takes place in a small town where if a rumor spreads around, the whole town knows. But what goes around comes around right? Well not here. An unfortunate soul by the name of Lucy, will find the hardships of living and maybe even harm the ones she loves.. It all started when Lucy was a child, what was once a loving family.. turned into a sinister crimes of what she would commit..
The bell has rung, and the halls are practically worst than a stampede of buffalo if I had to be honest. There's nothing worse than living in an abusive house and smoking.. at least the cigarettes give me comfort, and more than my parents could ever supply for me for that matter. When the halls die down I go to the exit doors and RUN, like always for my free period. I go to the back where I like to go with my friends to smoke the strongest pack we can get. I see my three friends Sarah, Alexander, and Valentina. "Seems you guys got out easier than me this time, what's your secret you guys? I'm sick of those crowded hallways!" I say with a cocky expression on my face. I may have a hard life but I love my oversized ego. Valentina replies with a laugh "Our tip is to just fuck the rules, grab your shit and push everyone out the way. They already do that to us right? I don't see the wrong". Alexander laughs "She's not wrong there Lucy, it's a complete war zone out there." Lucy laughs it off "Aw man, how come I never thought of that?" I laugh some more "Man I don't know what I'd do without you guys". Sarah shoves my head with a playful expression "Hey girl, don't go soft on us! Here" She gives me one of the cigarettes and a lighter. I take it and light mine up taking a huge puff and let it out. Sarah takes a quick puff and blows it out "So Lucy, how's the situation with your family?" She says with a smile that really doesn't sit right with me.. maybe I'm overthinking it. I brush it off and take a quick puff "Well you know.. nothing new, just the usual fighting.." I take my cigarette out my mouth "What about you guys?". Alexander grinned "My dad bought me a new phone, but it wasn't even the one I wanted! Can you believe him?" He scoffs and Sarah budges in "Hey, don't be complaining with that bullshit. My parents won't even buy me new things". Valentina doesn't respond, her parents left her as a kid "Will you guys shut up?" She shoves the two of them and I just laugh at them. "Don't mess with Valentina guys you know that, last time you two almost got beat to a pulp" I laugh and watch as they laugh along. This all feels so fake... like none of this is even real... but maybe that's just the side effects of smoking... whatever... I shouldn't think too much about it...
___________END OF CHP 1____________

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