Chapter 2 The Past Returns

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Back inside the hell chamber that the world calls 'school', the only good part about school is being popular. Otherwise, you'll be a complete loser for the rest of the senior year. When my last period hits, I usually just go to the back of the school and smoke again.. but this time.. it all felt so.. unreal.. this was something I couldn't ignore anymore. I keep hearing things.. specially a voice calling me. 'Lucy..' the voice would whisper in my ear, getting louder, and louder, and louder. Until I couldn't even think straight anymore, what am I gonna do about this? I have to go home and get ready to be beat or yelled at.. and now I'm hearing shit? What kind of luck do I have? Going home was hell, I kept hearing things from left and right. The voice kept saying 'Don't go home' or 'Run away' I covered my ears, but that only made them scream louder. 'RUN AWAY' 'DON'T GO HOME' the voice kept getting louder and louder.. "Shut up, shut up, shut up! SHUT UP!" I shout. A few of the kids walking home look at me like I'm insane, and I am insane.. well.. I'm going insane. When I finally make it home, the voices stop. I reach my hand out for the doorknob but I stop as I hear something.. "WHO THE FUCK WAS THAT HENRY?!". "HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW DAMMIT! EXPLAIN TO ME WHO YOU'VE BEEN SEEING!" More yelling.. they both found out they were cheating on eachother.. I let out a sigh.. 'go in and run.. go in and run..' that's all that was on my mind. I open the door close it without a sound, and run up to my room and slam it.. I hear the yelling stop, and footsteps start to sound closer and closer until they're right outside my door. I lock my door and cover my ears but then the voice comes back.. 'kill them..' it whispers. "W-What?.." I say out loud with a shaky voice 'Kill your parents..' it said once again.. I cover my ears and suddenly as they got louder, I heard my parents yelling at me from outside my bedroom door. "LUCY, OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW BEFORE I BUST IT OPEN YOU LITTLE BRAT!" I hear my mom yell. Great.. just what I needed.. more constant yelling for the people I love least. "Goddammit Rachel why the FUCK DID YOU HAVE TO HAVE A KID! And a daughter! And to make matters worse, she doesn't even do jack shit for us! She's just a pathetic slut." He scoffed. "Excuse me?" I hear my mother turn around to look at him "You heard me, she's a slut just like you dammit!" He puts a hand on his head. "DONT YOU DARE SPEAK ABOUT OUR DAUGHTER IN THAT WAY!" She shouts "OH HO HO HO, LOOK WHO WANTS TO PLAY THE HERO AS IF YOU WERENT JUST YELLING AT HER!" Henry shouts "WELL AT LEAST I DIDNT CALL HER A SLUT!" She yells back "OH YOU LITTLE-" I cover my ears as I hear nothing but constant arguing.. might as well let the voices consume my head before they do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24 ⏰

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