An accident

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The birds were chirping loudly than usual, I woke up before the alarm could ring in my ears. I headed straight to my bathroom and crossed 23rd feb in calendar hanging infront of me. only 10 days were left, I was nervous yet proud of my achievement so far, after a quick freshen up and went to make my green tea and headed towards the balcony where I picked up my exercise mat and laid it out. I sat there sipping on my tea. It was only few days and I had so much yet to do, I had 2 inches more to lose to fit in my glam slim top I brought online, I had saved it since a year when I first saw it on Instagram it costed a lot yet I managed to save few pennies for weeks until I could get my hands on that one.

'Rayyan would surely ask me out now', I thought to myself while working out on the mat. I could heard the instructor on the phone but my mind was still in its own world.

She sensed a buzz and saw her phone ringing on vibrate, she looked at the caller's id, 'Rayyan clg' , it displayed.

Panic rushed through her . she was expecting it already but not so soon !! she exclaimed in her mind. With her hands shivering and freezed brain she picked up the call.

'hello Shaz', his voice was masculine enough to send shivers down her spine. 'he never called me shaz damnn',she again exclaimed.

'uh er yes... ra..yyan...', she stammered.

'actually I wanted to ask if you are not already taken, can I have the previliege to take you to prom as my date ?'

Shaziya couldn't believe her ears, her efforts are finally showing results she thought to herself.

Before I could answer to his proposal I heard the instructor whistle on another end. I came out of my delusional thoughts and realized the session was already over. I picked up my phone and went to recent calls. Nothing it showed.

I laughed at my daydreaming.

I hurriedly got up and went in to change else I would again get late for college today, I almost ran on my way down and then it happened, Rayyan just became a dream I could never achieve.

I opened my eyes only to realise I slipped on the stairs while running down and had a fracture. Real nightmare begin when I heard the doctor speaking to my dad.

'Mr Ahmed I am afraid we need to keep her under observation for a while', I heard the doctor say, 'also she needs a proper and complete bed rest for atleast few weeks', the doctor added.

Before the doctor could say any further a tear dripped down rolling on my cheeks. I was sitting there helpless in the general ward were I was asked to lie down. 

Hii everyone!!this is my first novel I hope you guys find it good and m so sorry that the chapter is too short. I will post next time a usual one please shower ur love and let me know in the comment section what are you thoughts on this chapter and our girl "shaz"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24 ⏰

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