chapter 14

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I collapse on my bed while drew go jump in the shower and niko leave out heading back downstairs, I just scroll through my phone as I seen Edward left me a voice message, "hey, I wanted to day I apologize and I'm sorry I miss you and hope you having fun, I wanna see you tonight I'll be at the boardwalk, come see me", I wanted to best this nigga as cause you caught me off guard but I'll meet with you but I don't know what type of mood I'll be in.

I sent him a message dating "I'll text you," but I wasn't making any promises. I just laid in bed naked as I didn't care who walked in, I started to go back to sleep till this nigga drew came and slapped my ass, "Mann take yo ass on"

"Get the fuck up and get the food nigga"

"Fuck", I got up throwing on my shorts walking downstairs grabbing the door from the driver, as I took it back upstairs cause in all honesty fuck them niggas, I sat it on my dresser as watched him get dressed but didn't make my move, I wanted us to have our own little session without niko but I knew I wasn't going to get right now.

"Pick something, it's Mcdonald's breakfast. I got almost everything." I just took two hash browns and a bruttio has he took it downstairs, I couldn't say anything cause he bought it but If he was my nigga I would curse him out don't be buying food for niggas I hate.

He never came back up so I just ate on the phone talking to Edward as Mack came Iin about 20 minutes later,"that's Edward."


"Wassup nigga"

"This nigga, mack said wassup"

"Tell that nigga to chill out, fighting every fucking day"

"He heard you"

"Mann Ed these niggas wild in here, I know ima be the one to go home cause ima hurt one of em"

"Alrigh bro just relax chill so you gone come see me or naw)

"I said yeah"

"Alright have that ass ready too"

"Mann get off my phone"

"Ain't playing with yo ass", I hang up going heading downstairs with this nigga mack following me but he bet not start no shit. They was sitting In the living room as I went outside to smoke with Mack staying inside and drew coming out with me, which I knew was going to start some shit.

Mack p.o.v
I went to grab my smoothie from the freezer as I saw it was dug into, but I didn't say shit cause I'm working on my anger and not fighting so much than I went to grab the rest of my sandwich, warmed it up sitting down was about to eat as I seen this niggas laughing but I ignored it as I bite into it as I just ate, they kept laughing as i checked my food and seen nut spread all over my shit, I started spitting it out as it was time, "do yall think that shit funny"

"Nigga what the fuck you", as I just swung hitting everybody on the couch even darrell ass as I just started beating the fuck outta everybody until drew ran in pulling me outside, "ima fuck you up", niko said trying to get to me as he fall with me busting into laughter, "nigga that wasn't me, who did that shit", I hear darrell whining as I ignored it as you was sitting there laughing about it so your part of it.

I  felt for hitting jaden but he was in the crossfire but I bet he knew who did it too so I don't feel that bad.

They was mad as fuck as I seen darrell came running towards me as we just was throwing straight fist, I'm glad these niggas didn't think I could fight, I fucked him up bleeding as I Snuck niko not giving a fuck knocking his ass out as jaden come running up with rick coming in, grabbing me.

"Let that nigga go bruh, he thunk he tough"

"I beat all yall asses I'm good", I laughed as rick carried me outside but of course these niggas followed.

"Yall chill the fuck out", rick said with niko getting in his face

"Yo niko back up bruh", as rick tired to push me back with niko swinging but hit rick which rick swung back beating the fuck outta him, with niko yelling sorry but rick kept going as drew came running pulling him off dude has I laughed, "yo chill m, everyone fucking chill, whoever did that dirty shit you deserve whatever happened to you", everyone looked away but I knew who it was, niko literally told me why he did it.

Drew p.o.v

Pulling rick off niko took alot of energy nigga strong as fuck, I walked over as he was pacing back and forth mumbling, "aye yo chill you good bro"

"Nigga stop telling me to chill"

"I apologize ill leave you alone", I walked away heading inside as darrell was screaming to the top of his lungs talking about calling people, "on god it's warm fuck all this tv shit I'm beating ass bruh"

"Most definitely it's on", I see jaden on the phone, niko calling people this about to be more than a whore house it's going down. I'm just chilling looking at this war unfold, knowing I probably going to be the last one standing.

Rick p.o.v

I'm outside spazzing cause this nigga thought he was going to hit me and shit wasn't going to happen, I call Edward needing him to come pick me up cause I was about to go crazy as fuck. I go back inside going upstairs with niko trying to talk to me, "yo rick please"

"Nigga stop talking to me"

"I just wanna apologize"

"Fuck you",

"Mann stop tryna apologize to that bum", I hear jaden say as I walk back downstairs to see what was said, "what you say"

"Nigga he need to stop tryna kiss yo ass"

"Didn't ask him too bitch ass boy"

"Watch yo mouth rick I'm not niko"

"Nigga didn't say you was"

"Beat the fuck outta you", "do that shit than the fuck", I said as he laughed just standing there as I walked back upstairs going to get dress can't wait to get these niggas out the house.

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