Reader's Spirit: Chat

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You are now your spirit, having left your body behind to defeat the last Exiled Prospitian spirit you needed. You risked a glance backwards at your friends; they were watching you, slightly wide eyed, as you floated to the front of the class towards Mr. G. They had been so accepting of your true form, it had left you slightly shocked.

You faced the front again and instead of there being only one Mr. G, there was two, one flickering slightly. Souls possessed other beings generally through an item of clothing or jewellery that was usually second-hand. You scanned the flickering image as it grinned at you maliciously, trying to find the point of possession, it's heart if you will. You noticed a worn-looking watch on the ghostly image that was not flickering like the rest of him. You had never seen Mr. G wearing it before.

"So we finally meet." The ghost grinned, it's smile unnaturally wide. It wasn't actually talking, they didn't do that. You didn't know how you could understand him, but for some reason you can. "I've heard a lot about you. How many of my kind have you taken prisoner now, black-blood? Four? I came here seeking you and, lucky me, I found you. I know you have the advantage, home territory and past experience, but I do not intend to meet with the same fate as my brothers."

You gritted your teeth. The white ones talked too much, telling you various bits of information, whereas the black ones ran straight into the action. "Between you and your alternate kind, I have imprisoned nine."

The exiles eyes widened slightly, before turning to a squinty glare. Apparently, the capture of the Derse souls was news to him. Past spirits have told you about how they were always at odds and fighting amongst themselves. You had also learned that the spirits can't lie."What are your intentions, sister?" He hissed.

"To capture you." You knew it wasn't the answer he wanted, but you were trying to anger him into attacking first. He laughed.

"Do you know, black-blood,that you are royalty?" This was news. "Do you know the real reason you were sent here? Your blood used to rule Alternia alongside the white bloods. Yes, a king and queen, nothing like the tyranny of the Empress. The real reason you were sent to Earth? You have the blood right to ascend the throne." And with that he charged, sending you flying backwards. You wiped the blood dripping from your nose on your sleeve. You drew your daggers, ready to strike if he came back at you.

"Yes, definetly a black blood." He laughed, striding towards you. You risked a glance at your friends and saw Dave try and stand before John headbutted him. You turned your attention back to the carapacian. He was close enough to strike at, so you did, lashing out with the dagger closest to where his watch was, but he moved his arm out of the way and sent a powerful punch flying into the side of your head. You may be only a spirit but it still hurt like you expected it would, sending you to the ground again. "How have you managed to survive this long on Earth, my dear, if you can't even take a punch?" He was aiming to anger you, trying to blind you with it.

You took a deep breath and stood up. You struck again and ripped a big gash in his stomach.

"Ouch," he muttered, but he smiled at you, the wound already begining to heal. "You see, I quite like this vessel, and I don't plan on giving it up just yet."

You have a bit of a temper problem and this Prospit soul was starting to get to you, but you masked it with a smile. "Well, I would suggest you think on that and come with me willingly. Maybe we could arrange a way for you to get back to it." It never worked but you always tried it anyway. You actually had no idea what would happen to them after you returned to Alternia, but you didn't really care, the souls were totally harmless to the humans, only wishing to see through real eyes again.

"I'm afraid that just won't do sister, however release my bretheren and you can leave scot free."

Your plan was working almost perfectly so far. With the Derse souls, the only way to defeat them was pure force, but the Prospit ones were strategic, opting for words instead of weapons. This spirit believed he had the upper hand, lulling him into a false sense of security. You could have cut his watch ages ago, if you wanted.

"Sorry my friend, but I think I'll hang onto them a little longer, although you will be able to see them again soon." You struck out with one dagger aiming once again for his stomach, and in the moment he went to deflect it, your other dagger connected with his wrist, smashing his watch to pieces. You watched as his eyes widened and he staggered, a white substance trickling from his mouth as he backed away towards Mr. G. You quickly pulled out the vile to capture it, pressing a tiny button that sucked the Prospitian up. The now possession-free spirit smiled slightly at you as it faded into it's body and you drifted back to yours.

You gasped as you opened your eyes, your breathing heavy as you tried to regulate your heartbeat.

"Dude! What was that? You're like some alien superhero!" John whisper-exclaimed. Jade kicked him.

"No reactions remember," She also whispered-exclaimed. You laughed at the two, letting go of Rose's hand to examine your bracelet. The crack was covered in duct tape. You sighed, exasperated.

"Hey, your back to normal, or, well, your disguise is back anyway," John said looking slightly above you, probably to the place your horns had just been.

"At least it will hold. You can all let go now." They did, except for Dave, who still held tightly to your hand. "Are you guys busy tonight? I'd like you all to come to my house after school with me and I'll explain everything."

"Hah, when am I ever busy?" John asked, rhetorically.

"I'd cancel anything to hear what you have to say," Rose stated, matter-of-factly. The other two just nodded in agreement and you all waited (impatiently) for the bell to ring, signalling the end of the day, no more being said on the topic and you focused on your impending project, which you found out, was going to be writing a narrative. About wizards and aliens.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2015 ⏰

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