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Word Count: 2045


I dive into the bed, rolling over to face the wall.

My heart thuds against my chest as I anticipate Kyro's entry into this room. I'm both interested and terrified to learn what he has to say to me that he thinks is going to earn my trust.

Now that I know for certain he's spinning a false story about Sire and his wife, I can be assured that my trust will be forever out of his reach.

The door creaks open.

"Are you awake?" He asks tentatively.

I roll over, blinking my eyes drowsily. I'm not yet tired, but I want him to think I was sleeping and not overhearing his conversation with the witch, Xavier.

"I am now," I mutter.

He closes the door behind him, looking genuinely nervous. Were I not facing potential death tomorrow, or a life stuck by this monster's side, I would find this amusing.

"I wanted to talk to you." He steps closer to the bed as I sit up. "Mostly I want to apologise for hitting you."

I resist the urge to rub the lump on my head from where it hit the ground. My headache is still there, although the intensity has subsided somewhat.

What hasn't subsided is my anger. I may have attacked him, but how dare he hit me like that. I've done nothing wrong. I've been dragged into this situation just for being mates with Sire.

"Maybe you should have thought about that before you did it," I snap, folding my arms over my chest.

He breathes in sharply. I can see the internal conflict playing on his features as he reminds himself not to let him temper rise. He's supposed to be gaining my trust, after all.

"How's your head?"

"Fine." I brush my hair over my shoulders. He doesn't get to know the state of me, especially when he sees it as a weakness. "Why are you here?"

"I'm not going to lie to you, Meara." He takes another tentative step forward. "I want your trust."

"I will never, ever trust you." My fingers fist the bed sheets as I try to hold back all the vicious words I want to share with him.

"What if I told you that everything you have been told about me is wrong?" He murmurs.

He looks like he wants to sit next to me on the bed, so I stretch my arms out a little more. Him being in this room is too close to me as it is.

"What if I told you I don't believe you?" I scowl.

He rubs the back of his neck uneasily. "If you give me a chance, I can prove everything to you."

Part of me is tempted to see what he would offer me in order to gain my trust. No doubt it would be falsified information and finely spun stories dripping with lies.

"Why would I trust you over my own mate?" I question, narrowing my eyes.

"Sire never deserved a mate. It's why the world refused to give him one in what was supposed to be his own lifetime." Kyro's seemingly dropped the sweet talk now that Sire has been brought into the picture again.

"His fate was already written in stone. He needed his mate to free him, and that's exactly what I did," I snap.

I may not understand how mates are assigned to each other, but I know Sire and I have been exactly what each other have needed in completely different ways.

"Mates can betray you," Kyro mutters sourly, folding his arms over his chest. "Trust me, I know."

I roll my eyes. He may have been betrayed, but that was all his fault. So much of this could have been avoided if Kyro wasn't pure evil.

"Should I trust the man who has locked me in here, who hit me?" I gesture around the small room. He may have left the door unlocked, but there is no escaping this cave without the magic of the witches, and they definitely won't help me.

He looks over me with his cold blue eyes. "I could just kill you. Right here, right now."

I stand off the bed, ignoring the pain echoing through my head.

"Do it then," I challenge.

This is faux bravery, but I lift my chin and stare him down anyway. If he tries to kill me now, then so be it.

However, instead of grabbing my neck and strangling the life out of me, he leans forward and he kisses me.

I freeze at the feeling of his lips pressed against mine, soft and gentle.

It takes only a few moments of his kiss, feeling the hands holding either side of my face, to feel utter repulsion spill through me. It's so bad, I can feel nausea settling in my stomach.

I press my hands against his chest and push him away, stumbling back until the backs of my legs hit the edge of the bed.

Rearing back, I slap him as hard as I can manage across the face, only allowing myself a moment to enjoy the satisfaction of his head moving to the side.

"Don't you think I know what you're doing? You repulse me. I would never give myself over to you," I snap irritably.

I'm not going to pretend I don't know when he's doing things like this.

His jaw hardens into a tense line, a dark storm passing over his eyes at my rejection.

He leans forward, and for a second I think he's going to kiss me again, but he stops short. "Remember what fate lies ahead of you tomorrow. I'll have no problem bleeding you out in front of our mate before I finally kill him."

"You'll be releasing me from a life of torture being with you."

He backs off a bit, shaking his head a little.

"We'll see, Meara," he mutters. "We'll see."

He turns on his heel, not giving me another look before he stalks from the room.

That was a momentous fail on his part, which means it's unlikely he will spare me if our plan turns tomorrow. I have faith in Hazel and Sire, though, and now that I'm going to have some power of my own, nothing can possibly go wrong.

I hope...

Flopping back onto the bed, I stare up at the stone ceiling.

It's only hours away from being daylight, and I haven't gotten a wink of sleep. It's almost impossible to know tomorrow could be my last day. No matter how positive I try to remain, there is always a chance something could go wrong...

Closing my eyes, I focus on the darkness, on sleep.

However, a strange buzzing feeling suddenly skates across my skin. It starts at my scalp before slowly crawling down my neck, my arms, stomach and then legs. It feels like something has dug under my skin, spreading out faster than an infection.

Sitting up, I look down at myself.

Nothing looks abnormal, even as my skin starts to burn. It feels like my blood is boiling in my veins, like I'm being invaded by an unknown substance.

And then it hits me...magic.

"I feel it..." I whisper aloud, grabbing onto the mental bond between Sire and I.

The feeling is foreign, uncomfortable. Sire's magic is taking a hold of me, and it's almost too much to bear. My head is spinning, my vision blurring as my body struggles to comprehend what is overcoming it.

"My magic?" Sire asks distantly in my mind.
"Yeah. It's working." I let out a little laugh of relief, hardly able to believe it.

I draw in a deep breath, steadying myself. Slowly but surely, the dizziness starts to fade, the room evening out in front of me.

"Can you try using it?" Sire asks tentatively.

"What if one of his witches sense it?" I glance at the door. Anyone could be out there, although I doubt it. They have no idea I have any power.

"It's a risk you'll have to take." His voice echoes through my head.

I slide my legs off the bed, looking down at my hands. I would have no idea where to start with this magic. This is the first time I've felt so much power coursing through me, and putting it into reality feels impossible.

"What should I do first?" I ask.

"Lift something."

Standing, I turn around to face the bed. This is going to go terribly, I can sense it, but I need to start somewhere. If I come to the fight tomorrow with no idea how to use the powers I've been gifted, then this will all be for nothing.

Holding my breath, I hold my hand out and stare the bed down.

The only experience with magic I've had is watching Sire use it, so to no surprise, the bed doesn't move an inch.

I drop my arm, huffing out an irritated breath. "I can't..."

"Yes you can. Breathe deep, not in your chest. Ground yourself to the earth and concentrate on tying your mind to the object, envisioning what you're trying to do," Sire instructs calmly.

I can feel his surety spread through me, almost as powerful as the magic itself. He thinks I can pull this off, which may make him a fool, but at least he trusts me.

Following his instructions, I make note of my feet planting on the floor, breathing in as deep as possible before I imagine the bed lifting off the floor.

For a moment, there's nothing, before a surge of energy rears up inside me. At the same time, the bed starts shaking a little, before it slowly raises off the floor.

I can't feel the weight of it directly, but it doesn't feel easy. I feel the strain on my mind, in my muscles.

"It's working, but just a little," I alert Sire.

"How does it feel?"


"If this works, you can keep as much of my power as you like." Sire sounds elated, but also unsurprised. "Keep practising. You'll feel the connection grow strong quickly."

The bed drops back to the ground unceremoniously. Wincing at the echoing sound, I glance over my shoulder at the door. Thankfully no one comes.

"Can I transport myself out of here?" I ask, running my hand along the rough wall.

"It's a risk, and there may be witch magic barring you," Sire says apprehensively. "If you are desperate to remove yourself from what lies ahead tomorrow, then I don't blame you."

"I'm not running from this." I sit down on the bed, certain in my decision. "I'm not running from you."

I can feel the warmth of his emotions gliding over me. "I'm not proud of you, my beautiful mate."

Laying back down, I don't let the thought of what's going to happen in a few hours from now hinder my smile.

"I can't wait to see you tomorrow," I tell him. "I'm going to be dreaming about you finally killing Kyro all night."

I can hear his laugh, but it's so far away it makes my heart hurt.

Some time passes before he speaks to me again. "Has he tried anything with you?"

"Nothing bad. I'm fine," I assure him. Telling him Kyro kissed me will only complicate matters, and I need him to have a clear head. "We should both rest."

"I love you a lot, Meara," he says gently. "Tomorrow we will win, okay? Hazel has what she needs, and so do I. We are ready."

I let my body relax into the covers. "I trust you."

From the feeling that buzzes through me, I know it pleases him to hear that. Trust has been what was lacking between us, but now I feel it abundantly.

"Goodnight, my precious mate," he murmurs.

My eyes flutter closed. "Goodnight Sire."


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"...I've never had an orgasm before!" I blurt out, backing away a few steps.

He sits up, dark hair ruffled and messy from the fingers I ran through it. His eyes, once wide, slowly darken.

"You what?" He breathes.

~Midika 💜🐼

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~Midika 💜🐼

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