17:Oh shit

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Me and shay were at school walking through the hallways. After I told her what happened last night we had a mini softball practice so I could let all my anger out. "Oh shit look at Madeline's face." Shay pointed to her. She had bruises, a super red nose, and a fucked up face. People stared at me as I walked the hallway. Me and Shay went our separate ways for first period until lunch. "Ooh the pizza looks good." I said grabbing a slice. "It looks like shit." "Hello. I'm gonna eat it. Can you not?" We kept talking as we walked to our table before I felt a hand grab my arm. "What the-" it was Jess. "Can we talk?" "No. You said all you had to last night. Fuck off." "Look Angie-" "don't call me that." "Angelina. I didn't mean a word of it. I swear. Your not a burden your not a bitch. None of what I said is true besides the fact I don't like Rory." "Oh so I'm not jealous of Rory anymore?" "I know what I said was wrong and I'm-" he stayed quiet. "Say it." "I'm sorry." "I'm not. Our little agreement we had. It's done. We're done." I moved my arm out of his grasp as I left him there speechless. "You okay?" "Yeah I'm fine. Just didn't feel like talking to him." "Hey use that anger for the game tomorrow." "Right we do have a game!" "Yes. I cannot wait."

It was now last period. The class that me and Jess share. I sat in my usual spot. I waited for a certain brunette to walk through the door but he never did. I hated myself for wanting him to come. What's the point? I would just ignore him anyways. Class ended as I met Shay outside. "Hey Angie". "Hey Shay." "Wanna go to Luke's?" "No." "Oh right." We skipped Luke's as Shay walked me home. "Okay thanks for everything really." "You'rere my best friend. " "I love you." "Love you too Angie." I walked indie as I saw mom and Lulu. "Angie! There you are." Mom came and instantly hugging me. "I'm so sorry. I just couldn't handle the embarrassment. Lulu I'm so sorry I never wanted you to see me like that." "It's okay. You looked badass." "Oh yeah. Me and Jess broke up." "What?" They both asked. I then told them everything. Our fake relationship, how I caught feeling, and our argument. By the end I was sobbing again. "Oh Angie." Mom hugged me. "It's all my fault." "No it's not." "Yes it is." "Look why don't you go have a shower then come back downstairs?" I nodded. I went upstairs and showered. Once I changed I remembered I had something. I really didn't want to but I also wanted comfort. I went to my closet and pulled out a blunt. I looked for a lighter and lit it. The feeling instantly comforting me. I went to the porch as I smoked blunt after blunt. Or at least until I was high. Which I was. I really was. "Hey Angie you okay?" Mom asked. "Yep." I slightly laughed. "Why are you laug- oh my god. Your high Angie? Again?" "Nooo." "I told you no more." "I couldn't help it. The weed helps me." "Oh Angie." I don't know why but she just walked out. Was she on drugs. I then went to my closet and got out more beer. I chugged it immediately getting drunk. My brain was being stupid and I thought hey why not call Jess? I went to the phone and dialed his number. It rang three times before I heard Luke. "Hello?" "Hey Luke can I talk to Jess?" "Sure." I heard some commotion before I heard his voice. "Angie?" "Hey Jess?" "Are you okay?" "Yeah. Kinda drunk and really high. Just wanted to let you know that what you did really hurt me and yeah I am jealous of Rory. Because she has you." "Angie your drunk." " No shit up . Let me talk. I didn't mean to be a burden. Also you're a big fat jerk for calling me a bitch.i could have called you big head, bitch, jerk, idiot, dumbass, and many more, and all of them would have been true. But I didn't. I hate you. I hate how I defended you and you go and embarrassed like that. So fuck you jess. Fuck you." And I hung up. That felt good. I went to my record player and played music. It echoed throughout the room as I danced and sang. Just then a song that I used to sing as I closed with Jess came on. All the memories rushed through my head as I began to feel disgusting. I ran to the restroom throwing up. You should not spin after you just drank. I sat next to the toilet as I let myself cry. Forget cry. I sobbed. I sobbed till my throat became hoarse. I went to my bed and lay there crying. The next morning I woke up with a huge headache. I don't remember falling asleep yesterday. I got up and went to get advil. "Hey Angie?" Mom asked as I stepped in the kitchen. "Yeah?" "I heard about your fight." I froze. "What fight?" "Angie don't play dumb." "Look I'm sorry. She called me a slut because I gave her boyfriend a high five. Then she shoved me out of no where." "I know it wasn't your fault. Just next time tell me when you fight." "Yeah mom." Mom hasn't always made big deals out of me fighting because she says 'if they hit you first hit them back.' I got dressed and got ready. I don't remember shit from last night. I walked to school meeting up with Shay. "Hey." "Hey Shay." "Ready for the big game?" "Fuck yeah. Don't strike out this time." She laughed and hit me on the head. "I have a headache." "You got drunk two days ago. Nice try." "Last night I got high and drunk." "Oh" "yeah." We kept walking as I was getting to my locker I saw Jess leaning against it staring at me. "I gotta go pee." I rushed to the restroom leaving Shay behind. I did not want to talk to him. We haven't talked at all. I want to keep it that way. After five minutes I walked out the restroom. I bumped into someone. "Angie look." I heard Jess start. "I don't wanna talk to you." "Then why did you call me last night?" "No i didn't." "Yes you did." "Well I was drunk." "I know." "Then it didn't mean anything just like you. Now I have to go. I have a game today." I walked off as he tried to talk again.

Sorry for the shit ending. Thanks for reading🩷

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