Soldier down 🪖

212 29 35

Hello there, sorry for being able to update. I met with an accident yesterday and spent half a day in the ER. Came back with a bunch of painkillers.

My head hurts because I fell and hit my head on the roads suddenly and I have been asked to rest.

Chapter 53 was halfway ready but then things happened so I'm gonna need some time to finish it slowly. I can write but slowly so gimme time.

Also, the main motive behind this note is to request you all to wear helmets. I learned it the hard way. Although the accident was caused due to a bike hitting my scooty but still I could have avoided those injuries by wearing a helmet. 🪖

Luckily there's no internal damage but I kind of dodged a bullet, if it would have been a bigger vehicle I might have ended up with a fracture or internal bleeding in the brain.

As of now, I'm having a splitting headache. Body ache here and there. Lost appetite.

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