insert super cool chapter name here

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"Cmon! We can't be late to see the new kishin requests! If we are then all of the good ones will be taken!" (Btw in this just imagine the kishin requests are like the doodle world request board, where anyone can do them) Licorice grabbed Clover by the hand and started dashing off. Clover didn't mind, not one bit. He found it endearing how excited Licorice was to get all the recognition from beating Dark Enchantress (btw in this au Licorice left Dark Enchantress a bit ago), so Clover just smiled and went along with it. "Oh, ok then!" He chuckled, even while being dragged along when Licorice was running too fast. How was he even capable of running that fast? Who knows, Clover sure didn't. Suddenly, Licorice tripped on his robes, taking Clover down with him. "OH F-" Licorice had tried to stop himself, but alas, it was too late (😔), while Clover had reassured him it was ok, but to be a bit more careful next time. "Ok, ok...I'm sorry." Licorice huffed, still slightly embarrassed from falling like that. "It's alright, don't worry! Just be careful, ok?" Licorice nodded, and got back up, offering to help Clover up. Clover kindly accepted, and they got back to walking. Once they got to the board, Licorice picked a random one (Old rags cookie tries to get somewhere fast to pick a good kishin to kill but ends up picking a random one anyways real not clickbait??? 🤯🤯🤯) "Hmm..this one is called Mal. Is that in another language or...?" Licorice pondered. "Oh, it's French for evil!" Clover pointed out, "How do you know that, exactly?" And Licorice questioned that, like how he has a bajillion questions for everything. "Oh, I just heard it from somewhere!" Clover grinned. Licorice smiled back, nervously. Though it was sorta nervous. This kishin's name is literally French for evil! How dangerous is it exactly? Ugh...pesky thoughts making me nervous. Licorice must've had a nervous look on his face, because Clover decided to say something. "Oh, are you ok Licorice? Are nerves getting to you?" Clover looked worried, but Licorice reassured him. "Oh, uh...yep! I'm fine!" Despite saying this, Licorice was still worried. How do you deal with things that make you nervous? You beat the shit out of the thing that makes you nervous. (Well, in most cases, at least. Don't go hurting anyone because they worried you by accidentally hurting themselves or something. That'd be a no no.) "...Ok, I'm ready. Let's go." He grabbed Clover's hand again, and started walking, determination in his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24 ⏰

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