Chapter One - The Party

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*Its A Hot Summers Day Out With A Slight Bit Of Wind* (Evie and Claire)

Evie and Claire are currently in their economics class and while Evie is taking notes Claire is copying Evie's notes as usual

Evie: You're the one suggested taking this class and you never even pay attention.

Claire: Because I knew I had you with me so I could take any class and this class gives some of the best credits.

Evie rolls her eyes and continues listening to the lesson, and soon minutes pass and the bell rings concluding the class

Claire: Thanks for the notes as per usual, now I need to go kick some balls. I will see you tonight there's a party at Oliver's.

Evie: Another party? Thats the fourth one this month.

Claire: The boy has his priorities, and besides there's plenty of cute boys to entertain us.

Claire sends Evie a playful wink for dashing out of class so Evie chuckles then she makes her way out of class too.

*A Half Hour Later* (Oliver and Sam)

Oliver: Come on man you can't miss this party it's going to be the biggest one yet.

Sam: Yeah, right dude you say that every time, I'm busy tonight I can't come.

Oliver: And you say that every time, you're coming because everyone is coming, I have a lot of news to share, and I need you there man. 

Sam: Fine, but I'm not staying.

Oliver smiles happily then Molly walks over with an angry expression on her face

Oliver: Oh, hey babe you look great today.

Molly: Don't "oh hey babe" me! You were supposed to be at my practice!

Oliver: Oh Shoot! I'm sorry I completely forgot.

Molly: Whatever, so who's coming to the party tonight?

Oliver: Besides the entire campus, Sam, Max, John, Evie and Claire.

Molly: Max? Since when do we invite Max to our parties?

Oliver: Come on babe don't be like max is our friend and I want him there.

Molly: You mean he's your friend and maybe Evie's but Evie would befriend a wild boar so that's so surprise they hit it off so quick. I can't believe Evie invited him into our inner circle, I mean she didn't even ask us first.

Sam: Evie's just being nice there's no way max will last long in our group he's to...well you know.

Molly: Lame? Boring? A total loser? 

Little did they know as Molly, Sam and Oliver are harmlessly making jokes about Max, Max has been listening the whole-time while he's been taking notes under the bleacher their talking on

*Three Hours Later* (John and Evie)

John is currently practicing for his archery tournament outside where the archery class is held which happens to be close by to where the softball team practices

Archery Teacher: John! Pay attention!

John: Sorry...

John mumbles under his breath as he picks his arrows up that he continuously kept missing because he was too busy watching Evie play softball

Archery Teacher: The campus's director should have never put a boys archery team so close to the girls' softball team.

As John is focusing back onto his archery, he hits every bullseye with ease meanwhile Evie is totally goofing around and playing catch with the softballs with her team instead of practicing

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