Chapter 9

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This week has been awful. We had so many tests, Cartman made fun of me, I'm pretty sure Stan has a crush on me, I can't talk to Kenny anymore, and finally Kyle isn't awake. Honestly I feel like curling up into a ball and crying. Every day I would get on the bus, sit with Stan, and run home. I cried almost every day. But today, Thursday, Stan followed me into my house. I ran up to my room and started to cry into my pillow not knowing Stan was there. "Why can't I make a decision?!? I like all of the boys but I can't date all 3 of them!" I said crying. "But you can date me." Stan said. "What. Oh you heard that." I said pulling my face out of my pillow and whipping my tears. "Yeah. It's okay. I have a crush too." Stan says back to me. "Oh. That's nice. Who's it on." I say knowing that he was never going to say my name. He's been in love with Wendy. I hate her and her little fake friends. "You." Stan says.

Just hearing those words makes me feel happy I run over and jump into his arms. We hug for a while then we talk. Not about anything in particular just talk. It was really enjoyable. But then I thought to myself. Kyle's supposed to be waking up tomorrow. "Kenzie, you okay?" Stan asked. "Yeah I'm fine. Just really tired." I say back. "Okay. I'll see you tomorrow at the Bus stop." Stan said. "Okay night." I say. I turn around to get into my bed and the next hing I know is that a pair of warm lips are on mine. "STAN WHAT THE HELL?!" I scream. "S-sorry. I thought you needed it. You look upset." He says. "Yeah that felt good. I-I love you." I say this last words with hesitation. "I love you too." He says back. "Stay here tonight. I have a pull out bed." I say. "Okay." Stan says very happily.

We woke up and got dressed for school. Then we go downstairs and grab breakfast. As we're eating I notice that my parents aren't home. My phone starts to ring. Caller ID says it's Mrs. Broflovski. I answer the phone. "H-Hello?" I say very afraid of what I was going to hear. "Makenzie, Sweetie? It's Sheila Broflovski. They're trying to wake Kyle up. I just thought that you would want to know. Feel free to come over to the hospital after school. Have a good day sweetie." She says. "Okay thanks." I said as I hung up the phone. "Ready to go?" I turn around and I see it's almost time to go. "Sure Stan." I say.

We walk out and there's Cartman. It's been a week since he did all that to Kyle. I'm really mad. "Hey you guys. Feels good to not have our group ruined by a smart-ass Jew." He says. "SCREW YOU CARTMAN!!!" I scream. Then I decide to run. Run as fast as I can. As far away as I can. It feels like I've been stabbed in the chest with a thousand knives. Nobody follows me so I decide it's the right time to go visit Kenny.

"Hey Kenny." I say as I kiss the grave. I sit down next to his grave and just talk. "Life's been hard without you Kenny. 2 weeks ago your life ended. I've been crying ever since. Nothing's the same without you. Cartman beat Kyle up pretty bad. He's in the hospital. Oh Kenny! I miss you!" I say as I cry. "I-I keep forgetting that your not here. I love you." I say. It's now 11:03 and I decide to walk to school. As I walk I wipe my tears and put on a brave face. It's only a 3 minute walk from the cemetery to school. For 3 minutes it's just me and my thoughts as I make my way to school. I'm finally there. I walk into the principle's office so they can mark me off as tardy when something surprises me. "C-Cartman? S-Stan? Why are you 2 bleeding? And why are you here and not the nurse's office." I say. "Because Cartman started to make fun of your problems behind your back. So I got into a fight with him; and won." Stan says sounding accomplished. "You won because I tripped!" Cartman replies yelling. "OVER WHAT YOUR FAT ASS?!" Stan screams. "I'M NOT FAT! I HAVE BIG BONES!" Cartman screams back. "I'll just see you 2 in class." I say as I grab my pink slip from the secretary and leave.

I get into class and everyone gasps. "What?" I say looking confused. Then I turn around. Nothing. "What the hell is wrong with you guys?!" I say starting to get aggravated. "I-It's just everybody's so shocked at how ugly you are! How can you have a boyfriend when your face looks like; well that!" I hear Wendy say. I run out of the class crying. I run out of the school crying. I run to the cemetery crying. "SCREW EVERYBODY HERE!" I say screaming. I sit down leaning on Kenny's grave. "I wish you were here to get me through this Kenny." I say crying. I decide just to stay here until school was let out so I could walk to the hospital without people thinking something was wrong.

I heard the school bell ring and I ran to the hospital. I walk in and I see Mrs. Broflovski sitting in Kyle's room. "Hey. Is it okay if I come in?" I say quietly. "Sweetie of course you can." She says. "Where is he?" I ask as I sit down. "They woke him up so the doctors took him for tests. He was asking for you. They said he would be back here at 4." Mrs. Broflovski said to me. "Okay. It's only 15 more minutes." I say back. "He really likes you Makenzie. Please don't break his heart." She says as she put her hand on my shoulder. "I never would." I say back. "Why do I like that boy so much. I'm only 10 years old and I'm in love. Is he gonna break my heart? I would never break his heart... I think." Those are all the thought that go through my mind within the next 15 minutes.

It's around 4:12 when they wheel Kyle through the door. He's asleep but at 4:45 his mom wakes him up. "Kyle... Kyle look who's here to see you." His mother says. "W-What?" Kyle says groggily. "Hey Kyle." I say waving. "K-Kenzie? Is that you?" He asks. "Yes." I say holding his hand. "C-Can you stay with me all night?" He asks. I start to blush. "If that's okay with your mom." I say. "Of course! I'll just give your mother a call." Mrs. Broflovski says. While Kyle's mom is on the phone we just talk about what he missed while he was out. I told him about the whole Wendy thing and he almost lost it. He swore when he gets back to school he'll make everything right. I was extremely happy that I could finally talk to someone about the whole week.

I love you Kyle Broflovski.
I love you Kenny McCormick.
I love you Stan Marsh.
I love you Eric Cartman.
Why can't I just pick one of you?

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