Mega Mall

4 1 0

3rd Person.

The early gray skies were strangely calming, like an old feeling of their younger years. Raindrops gently tapped the outside of the car, the radio on with music playing softly in the background. One grumpy eighteen year old driver stared out of the windshield, focusing on the road with tired eyes and low energy. In the passenger seat, however, sat an excited big eyed nineteen year old leech.
At least, that's what Willow liked calling Milo, since he'd often beg her for rides or ask to tag along whenever she used her car, and more times than not convinced her to buy them Starbucks.

Why Milo never asked any of their other friends for lifts was beyond her, she never bothered to ask anyway. The black car drove for maybe about ten more minutes, before Milo gave the last direction. "Oh! Oh! Turn!! Turn bitch!!", Willow glanced from left to right, rolling her eyes and groaning a bit, responding with a sleep deprived "Which way do I turn fuckhead!? Communication is key." She mumbled, keeping her eyes on each turn she could take.
Milo sighed exasperatedly and jabbed his finger against his window repeatedly, "Left! Le-"
"That's your right, dumb hoe."

She made the next right turn, going up a small ramp and entering the large parking lot of the recently built Mega Mall. Willow arched a brow slightly as she glanced up at the blinding neon letters of the sign, and the blinding sign itself, glowing in the dim lighting of the gray sky. Milo's reaction was completely different, letting out a small whoop as the car began parking, grinning up excitedly at the glowing sign.
He tossed a grateful smile to his friend, opening his door and covering his head with his arms before saying "You know, Willow, I really didn't think you'd say yes when I asked, but still thanks a lot! It'll be awesome to work in the same building as my BFF!". Willow rolled her eyes, pulling the hood of her way-too-big gray hoodie over her head before getting out of the car.

"I really thought against it, but...", She trailed off, trying to find the right words, before shrugging again. "I just want the money, I mean, holy shit, 120 bucks an hour?" She said with a small sigh and smile, looking up for a second or two, flinching when a cool raindrop would land on her skin. When Milo had first asked her to apply with him, she shut the idea down instantly.
But, after looking at her family and her living situation, she figured she could use the money to get a place of her own, and use the time away from home to, well, be away from home.

She shook the thought away, looking around the empty parking lot. It was a strange sight to see, the whole thing so bare besides a few other cars was certainly a new sight, since this place was so damn popular.
"But, for real here, Lo, did we seriously have to get up at the ass crack of dawn just to get here early?"

Willow couldn't help the small annoyed groan and disapproving glare she shot her friend, who grinned at her grumpiness and didn't let it sour his good mood as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "Of course we did, Whomping Willow! The early bird gets the worm, right? And just look at this HA-UGE parking lot!! Isn't it cool!?" Milo smiled down at her, gesturing around them before jumping and outstretching his arms, not caring if his clothes slowly got wetter with raindrops.

A grumpy groan escaped the girls lips, looking at her best friend with an uninterested and unamused gaze, what did a parking lot have to do with why they had to be there so early? Willow had never fully understood her best friends way of thinking things through, and doubted she ever would. She ran a sleeve covered hand down her face before they finally reach the glass entrance doors, which were closed and...locked?
She was just thankful to be under the awning and safe from the rain, arching a brow at the taller boy. "What now fuckhead? The doors are locked! All this, early bird bullshit, ha!" She muttered, taking her hood off and freeing her decent length jet black hair, adjusting her blue highlighted bangs as she mumbled to herself.

Milo's happy excited mood wavered a bit as he looked at the supposedly locked doors. He sighed, feeling a bit defeated as he leaned his back against the glass, "Huh, well frick. Sorry Willow, I thought-"
He was cut off as the door easily pushed open against his weight, causing the unsuspecting young adult to fall back with a small surprised grunt, his back hitting the cold smooth floor of the Mega Mall. Quickly brushing off the little pain he felt on his lower back, he sat up and grinned excitedly at his friend who was still outside.
"Woohoo! We are IN!!" He smirked smugly as he stood up, holding the door open for his friend as she stepped inside with her arms crossed, not as pumped up about this as he was, "Yay."

Ignoring her early morning moodiness, Milo closed the door behind them as the pair began walking around, soon entering the lobby. While Willow was trying to find another worker to point them to the boss's office, Milo was looking around excitedly at everything, despite having been here multiple times in the past.

He looked to the left, seeing the cafe like place called The Faz-Pad, having only been there once, but still loving it. Looking to the right he saw the Glamrock Gifts, itching to see if there was any new merch, but he held himself back as he and Willow went up the flight of stairs, admiring the pretty palm trees. Willow nudged him in the ribs, before pointing ahead, eyes widened at the sheer size of the atrium.
She had only been to the Mall itself maybe twice, but that was just to drop off Milo, never had she once seen the inside of it, or understood just how massive this place really was.

Milo was about to comment on her shock with a grin, before a voice shattered through the silence, making both of them stop in their tracks as a flashlight beam was shone directly on them, followed by an irritated and yet almost triumphant voice.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18 ⏰

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