Reckless (OneShot)

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Lucy slammed her bedroom door shut and sank to her knees. She felt her heart tearing apart with each pump, and nothing could stop the flow of tears from leaving her eyes. She and Natsu had an argument about how most of the reward money was lost from their recent job because of Natsu's recklessness. She really needed that money to pay her rent for the next couple of months, and considering the difficulty of the job, the leftover money that she was able to keep wouldn't even cover one month. She knew deep down that it wasn't really that big of a deal, but Natsu's harsh words to her were ones she'd never forget.


Natsu and Lucy arrived back home in Magnolia on their way home from a mission. They were both heading to the guild and the two couldn't stop arguing the entire trip back.

"Natsu! Can't you be less reckless for a change!? You know how badly I needed that rent money" Lucy yelled.

"I couldn't help it! I already apologized a hundred times! What more do you want from me?" Natsu snapped.

"I want you to not be so careless in your fights and not destroy an entire town!" Lucy spat.

"Careless!? You're one to talk about being careless. If you weren't so careless, I wouldn't have to be stepping in to save you time and time again" Natsu seethed.

Lucy stared at him, mouth agape in disbelief.

"You're lucky I even share the money with you to begin with, Lucy, because you hardly do anything! All you do is summon spirits and let them do all the work and take all the hits for you" Natsu said.

"That's not true! I use my Star Dresses and aid my spirits in battle!" Lucy said as her eyes began to well up with tears at Natsu's accusation.

"Yeah—aiding your spirits on their borrowed power. Had I known from the beginning that you'd make such a useless partner, I never would have formed a team with you!" Natsu yelled.

Lucy stopped walking as her shoulders sank and her expression reflected the hurt that she felt deep inside from what Natsu said. He hadn't even realized that Lucy wasn't following him anymore until he glanced behind him just in time to see the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes. His heart twisted at the sight of her looking so hurt, even more so knowing that he was the cause.

"Is that really what you think of me?" Lucy whispered.

Natsu didn't get a chance to reply as Lucy turned on her heel and ran away from him and towards her apartment. As her figure grew smaller the farther away from him she got, guilt made itself more present as it gnawed at his gut. He didn't mean all those things that he said, and it was just in the heat of the moment paired with the exhaustion from the job. Natsu grit his teeth upon realizing that he did the one thing he promised himself that he would never do: make Lucy cry.

Back to the present...

Lucy was exhausted, and she needed to do something aside from sitting on the floor crying. Wobbling slightly as she stood up, Lucy made her way to the bathroom so that she could take a hot shower, hoping to wash away her sadness along with the dirt.

After finishing her shower, Lucy slipped into a pair of fresh pajamas and climbed into bed. As tired as she was, Lucy couldn't seem to fall asleep. Her mind kept replaying the argument that unfolded between her and Natsu over and over again like some twisted movie rerun that couldn't be turned off. Fresh tears streamed down Lucy's face as she thought about Natsu's words.

Does he really think that I'm that useless? Lucy thought to herself.

Deciding that a cup of hot tea would do her some good, Lucy climbed out of bed. As she entered the kitchen to boil a pot of water, she lay her head down on the table as she waited for the water to heat up. Lifting her head up slightly, Lucy gazed warily at her celestial keys hanging by the door. As much as she loved her spirits dearly, seeing the golden shimmer of their keys in the moonlight only reminded her of how Natsu felt about her. Shutting her eyes tight as more tears squeezed out from the corners, Lucy lay her head back down on the table, ignoring the screaming teapot behind her.

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