Don't Give Up On Us {59}

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{January 2021
Encino, CA
Nick and Mel's House}

{January 2021Encino, CANick and Mel's House}

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Nick was late

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Nick was late. Again. It was the third time this week that he hadn't made it home in time for dinner. Melissa didn't know what to think anymore, or where he was. He had said that he was busy this week putting the final touches on Spaceman, but being away from home from practically dawn to dusk? That's where she got a little concerned.

He was a huge singer, well known all around the world, she understood that. Really, she did. But she couldn't take it anymore... it felt like how he was acting back in 2016... putting his all into his work like he used to. Even though they had to finish wedding planning; their wedding was indeed just around the corner.

She had to admit she just wanted time with him every now and then; just the two of them. Maybe once the album was out? She didn't know... it scared her that maybe he was seeing somebody else. That he had finally gotten sick of her once and for all. They had been together practically their entire lives, why would he still want her?

What if he was talking to Priyanka? She knew that the older woman had tried to reach out to him in the past... but did he start talking to her again??

Melissa just finished cleaning up the dishes that she'd dirtied up with dinner, her nimble fingers turning the lightswitch off. She was just about to grab the blanket off the couch as the lock on the front door clicked. She bit her lip, holding the blanket tight to her chest.

"Hey petal." Nick said softly, stepping through the door way and smiled at his fiancé, "You're still up, I missed you." he came up towards her just about to take her into his arms, but she stepped back.

"Hi babe." she muttered, "Dinner is in the fridge if you'd like some, I already ate." she wrapped the fuzzy blanket around her body.

"That's okay Angel, no worries." he replied, as he went towards the bottom of the stairs where Melissa was standing. "I know I've been coming home late, I'm sorry."

Her small frame turned around and began the trek up the stairs. She didn't answer as he called out her name, "Lyss? What's up baby?" he could tell that something was bothering the 26-year-old, but he couldn't put his finger on what was truly upsetting her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09 ⏰

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