The Plan

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"What do you think?" Jisung asked, leaning back in his chair.

"Of your insufferable attitude? Or Felix's delicious meal?"

You didn't exactly see the way Jisung's jaw clenched and his muscles tensed. The sarcastic smile on his face hid a lot.

Felix grew anxious. He could sense the tension, and his heart was also beating faster than normal. Your compliment had gotten to him.

"I mean your accommodations. Are they okay?"

You shrugged, shoving some more food in your mouth. "I mean, my house was nicer, but I suppose this'll do."

Jisung seemed to agree with you on that. "Your house was definitely nice. Don't worry we'll get it back soon."

You swallowed hard, trying to get the food to go down, placing your first on the table to somehow help the momentum. "And how does this mastermind plan of yours work?"

Jisung smirked, leaning back in his chair. Now he was where he wanted to be in the conversation. "Do you think I just made a contract with your boyfriend without a plan?"


He scoffed. Your constant lack of faith in him was insulting. "You're cute. But I've been working on this plan as long as I've known you."

"So you're obsessed with me."

Felix choked on his food trying to suppress his laughter. Jisung could only shoot him the side eye, hoping it would shut him up. It did little good of course.

"Why~" He whined. "Just listen, Would you?" You smiled, avoiding being a nuisance any further, finally allowing him to yap on. "Oh my gosh, thank you. As I was saying. I've been working on this for a while. I was already in contact with many of your little subordinates. They're ridiculously faithful and wouldn't take cash or any sort of compensation to try and overthrow you. Only one was interested, and they killed him."

"Ahh... I guess that explains what happened to Jaeho. He always was a mildly suspicious weirdo."

Felix chuckled, cutting it short when Jisung gave him yet another look. He tried to continue what he was saying, opening his mouth to speak, but you had shifted your focus over to Felix, admiring him in a way that made Jisung uneasy.

He cleared his throat in an attempt to bring your attention back. Thankfully it did.

"Can I continue?" You smiled with a nod and he swallowed hard. You had something in your eyes that was devious, but drew him in. And oh how he wished he could ignore it. "Your men were loyal, but I still could get in contact with them and that in and of itself was valuable. But it wasn't until you let someone get too close that I figured it out. I knew it was only a matter of time that things would turn sour."

"It sounds like you were boldly confident about my boyfriend's betrayal." Felix's eye's widened as he flicked them between you and Jisung. He felt like he was stuck in the middle of two parents arguing. "Hm. Odd." Your expression darkened, but Jisung never faltered. You just wanted to test him, but from the look in his eyes, even if there were secrets, he'd never yield.

"I can sense these things. And I know for a fact, that for someone like you, who you choose will always be a matter of life or death. You're lucky I was there to save your ass." You glared at him a little harder. Something was off in his body language but you couldn't place it. And how was making a deal to own you, saving you? He was partly the reason you were in this mess in the first place. Although, your boyfriend's betrayal was inevitable at some point. So to some degree, Jisung was correct. You still had your life if anything, thanks to being kidnapped, and not just shot by your ex. "When things did, in fact, turn sour, when your boy-toy was all too easy to reach, I made a deal. You see, deep down he had wanted the throne all along. And when someone like me came along wielding the opportunity for him, he took it. He was so easy to use too!"

Use Me - Han Jisung X Reader/Lee Felix X Reader (Mafia/Au)Where stories live. Discover now