Awake & Pissed

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No one's Pov (two days later.)

Kagome shot up her head and body on fire. Her breathing hard and her body sweating like crazy. She held her head than stared at her legs and arms and they were covered with bandages.

"Your up Kagome that's a relief" She heard Lady Kaede say as she came in with a wet towel and she tried to lay her down, but Kagome asked her not to.

"You need to rest child those injures aren't healed." She said and motion her to her stomach.

Kagome lifted her shirt and found bandages all over her stomach and back. She put her shirt down and looked down at what she was laying on it was very soft. She was laying on Sesshomaru's big white fluffy scarf.

'Did he really bring me here? Did he really help me? But why why me....' My mind was going all over the place.

"Sesshomaru brought you here when he saw you were badly injured he hasn't left he's still outside. Kagome what happened? Why were you badly injured " Kagome head dropped she almost cried remembering what she she saw Inuyasha and Kikyo.

Kagome explained what happen and how she had ended in a hole and how she got so injured. Lady Kaede just stared at Kagome sadness in her eyes. Her head still down than she remembered about Sesshomaru and she suddenly felt a great gratitude towards him she had to tell him she was so happy he saved her life.

"Lady Kaede help me get up please." Lady Kaede didn't protest she helped Kagome up.

After Kagome stood up she started walking toward the door than she walked out the sun bright as ever. She looked around for Sesshomaru he was standing near a clothes hanger with Jaken and Rin her clothes handing from the ropes and her bow n arrow on the ground. Kagome smiled big and started walking toward them very slowly struggling to get to them.

Kagome stopped and a surge of pain surged through her body. She whimpered a little in pain. Sesshomaru immediately turned to her his stare still cold.

Kagome struggled to get a smile on her face.

"KAGOME!!!" She heard Inuyasha yell.

Kagome turned her head and saw Inuyasha running toward her. Kagome frowned and she sped run to her bow n arrow. She grabbed her bow n arrow and pointed it at Inuyasha.

"SIT!" She yelled and he fell down hard.

Miroku, Sango and Shippo had just came back from helping the villagers when they saw this scene.

"What was that for!" Yelled Inuyasha about to get up.

"What was that for......what was that for.....what was...that...FOR! You are such an idiot SIT BOY.... You think I like seeing you with kikyo SIT BOY. I'm tired of this Inuyasha SIT BOY! I can't live with you like this SIT BOY! No more Inuyasha you can keep her because I'm not dealing with it anymore SIT BOY!!!!" Kagome yelled at the top of her lungs.

She breathed hard she was out of breath. Inuyasha was about three inches below the ground. Kagome dropped her bow n arrow and began to ran away deep in forest.

"Kagome!" Miroku and Sango yelled after Kagome.

They were about to run after her when Sesshomaru left behind her leaving Rin and taking Jaken.

Kagomes Pov
I ran through the forest not even considering my injures, but I really don't care. I kept running until I could no longer run and stopped and held on to a tree.

I put my back on the tree and slid down. I put my hands on my eyes and started crying. My tears weren't of sadness they were of pain.

My whole body was on fire I looked down at my Kimono their was a stain of blood on it.

"M-My wounds!" I said as I just sat there waiting for my breathing to calm down.

I heard someone footsteps coming toward me. I looked up and saw Sesshomaru coming to me. I quickly got up but at the same moment I slipped. I was so close to hitting my face on the ground.

When someone grabbed my wrist and stopped me. I turned my head and saw Sesshomaru holding my wrist.

No Ones Pov
Sesshomaru than slowly threw her up in the air. Than she landed in Sesshomaru's arm in a bridal style. Than started walking ahead.

"Dumb human girl making Lord Sesshomaru come and chase after you. Making him worry about you a human." Jaken said in a proud voice.

Jaken than kept on blabbing on and on about how Lord Sesshomaru was the best and how Kagome was a dumb human.

"Jaken shut up." Sesshomaru said in his monotone voice.

Kagome looked at him sort of shocked than she lifted her hand to his face. He stopped walking and looked down.

"I'm sorry Sesshomaru that you have to worry." Than her hand went down to her side and feel asleep.

Sesshomaru just for a moment had a soft expression on his face than it went back to nothing. He looked up than continued walking ahead without another word.

Kagomes Pov
I slowly sat up and made my eyes focus to my surrounding which was nothing more than a little house.

"Oh so your up Kagome." Sango said coming in with a bucket full of water and a rag.

"Yeah I am. Where are Shippo and Miroku?" I asked looking around the hut.

"They are making sure Inuyasha doesn't come near here." She sighed putting down the bucket.

I just can imagined how Inuyasha was fighting against both Shippo and Miroku. I laughed a little at the thought.

"He'll get past them eventually. Where is Sesshomaru?" I said suddenly remebering he saved me twice now.

"He's outside with Jaken and Rin waiting for you to wake up." She said kneeling beside me.

She was about to lay me back down but I stopped her.

'I might sound crazy but I want to spend a little more time with Sesshomaru.' I thought looking down at the clothes she had on.

No One's Pov

Than she looked around the hut and saw her book bag in the corner of the shack.

"Sango can you hand me my clothes please." Sango nodded and walked outside to grab them.

Kagome began to take off the kimono she hated the way it made her look like Kikyo. She never wanted to wear that kind of kimono ever. Sango came in and handed her the clothes Kagome quickly put them on.

"S-Sango can I tell you something and you won't freak out?" Kagome asked not looking into Sango's eyes.

"Yeah I won't freak out." She promised holding Kagome's hand.

"I think I have feelings for Sesshomaru." Kagome said closing her eyes not daring to stare into her eyes.

"And." She answered looking at Kagome.

Kagome eyes shot open at her answer.

"Yes Kagome no one can judge you not even Inuyasha." She said serious holding her hand.

"Sango thank you I needed to hear that right now. But I'm not sure yet" Kagome said still in shock.

"So what you should do is take Sesshomaru out you know some time between you to. So you can know for sure if you have feeling for him." Sango said hearing Inuyasha's screams from afar.

"They couldn't contain him man." kagome said getting up.

"You should go now Kagome before Inuyasha comes." Sango said with a sigh as she grabbed her weapon.

Kagome nodded and hugged her than walked out with her bookbag and saw Sesshomaru with his plain expression and walked to him smiling.

He looked at her with the smallest smile in the world than it faded.

"Sesshomaru I was wondering if you could come along with me. I have to go get more arrows from a village out south." Kagome said with a smile.

He got up and started walking. She tokk that as a yes.


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