Wake up vause

440 6 1

I wake up to Bennet whispering in my ear

Alex,alex? ALEX!"

I was confused and dazed on whats was going on

Bennet said :
Come on vause wake up NOW! And come with me?

I replied in a cranky voice :
What-why-what's going on?

NOW INMATE! Bennet demanded

Oh woooah okay dude calm down what's up? I replied

Meet me in the room next to the Spanish bathroom?

I was so dazed and confused so I replied okay let's go?

Bennet replies : okay just get your stuff as if your heading to the bath room...

I interrupt - what at 4:34am people won't be getting up for another hour!

Bennett replied : I know I changed the van duty so it looks like your going to work?

Puzzled I replied ; okay 2 seconds

Alex vause and BennetWhere stories live. Discover now